Joint Course

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai/ICTS, Bengaluru/Hyderabad

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton


The Quantum Phases of Matter

Lecturer: Subir Sachdev


The initial part of the course will have in-person lectures in the lecture hall in Bloomberg at IAS Princeton, with Zoom broadcast to other locations. These lectures will be 9:00-10:30 AM (New York Time), Mondays and Wednesdays. Occasionally, the lectures may be moved to Friday, at the same time.


The first lecture will be on Wednesday September 1. The course will end mid December, with locations and schedules to be announced.


A provisional list of topics to be covered:


1.     Introduction to experiments on the phases of modern quantum materials

2.     Boson Hubbard model: superfluids, insulators, and other conventional phases

3.     Electron Hubbard model: antiferromagnets, metals, d-wave superconductors, and other conventional phases

4.     Mott insulators, resonating valence bonds, and the Z2 spin liquid

5.     Gapless spin liquids, and emergent SU(2) and U(1) gauge theories.

6.     Kondo impurity in a metal

7.     Kondo lattice: the heavy Fermi liquid, and the fractionalized Fermi liquid (FL*). Violations of the Luttinger theorem using emergent gauge fields.

8.     The pseudogap metal of the cuprates: FL* theories

9.     SYK model of metals without quasiparticles, and emergent gravity

10.  Dynamic mean field theories of strong correlation 

11.  Quantum criticality of Fermi surfaces


See for more information.