
Selected Review Articles
See also, lectures on my YouTube channel.
- The foot, the fan, and the cuprate phase diagram: Fermi-volume-changing quantum phase transitions, S. Sachdev, arXiv:2501.16417
- Quantum spin liquids and the phases of the cuprates,
S. Sachdev, Coshare Science 02, v3, 1-91 (2024) [Video review talk]; DOI
- Quantum spin glasses
and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, S. Sachdev, Rapporteur presentation at the 29th Solvay conference, The Structure and Dynamics of Disordered Systems, October 21, 2023, Brussels, arXiv:2402.17824.
- Quantum statistical mechanics of the SYK model, charged black holes, and strange metals,
S. Sachdev, Coshare Science 01, v4, 1-91 (2023) [Video review talk]; DOI
- Strange Metals and Black Holes: Insights From the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model, S. Sachdev, Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Physics, December 2023; arXiv:2305.01001; DOI.
- Quantum statistical mechanics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and charged black holes, S. Sachdev, chapter in 50 years of the renormalization group,
dedicated to the memory of Michael E. Fisher, edited by Amnon Aharony,
Ora Entin-Wohlman, David Huse, and Leo Radzihovsky, World Scientific; arXiv:2304.13744.
- Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models and Beyond: A Window into Non-Fermi Liquids, D. Chowdhury, A. Georges, O. Parcollet, and S. Sachdev, Reviews of Modern Physics 94, 035004 (2022); arXiv:2109.05037; DOI.
- Quantum Connections,
S. Hartnoll, S. Sachdev, T. Takayanagi, Xie Chen, E. Silverstein, and J. Sonner, Nature Reviews Physics (2021); DOI.
- Topological order and Fermi surface reconstruction,
S. Sachdev, partly based on lectures at the 34th Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics: New Horizons in Quantum Matter,
December 27, 2016 - January 5, 2017;
- Holographic quantum matter, S.A. Hartnoll, A. Lucas, and S. Sachdev;
- The novel metallic states of the cuprates: Fermi liquids with topological order
and strange metals, S. Sachdev and D. Chowdhury, Talk at the Nambu Memorial Symposium at the University of Chicago, March 12, 2016;
- Emergent gauge fields and the
high temperature superconductors, S. Sachdev, Talk presented at "Unifying physics and technology in light of Maxwell's equations", Discussion Meeting at the Royal Society, London, November 16-17, 2015, celebrating the 150th anniversary
of Maxwell's equations, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 374,
20150248 (2016); arXiv:1512.00465.
- The enigma of the pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductors,
D. Chowdhury and S. Sachdev, Proceedings of the 50th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, 2-9 March 2014, Karpacz, Poland, arXiv:1501.00002
- Strange and Stringy, article on the connections between
condensed matter physics and string theory, Scientific American 308, 44 (January 2013)
- What can gauge-gravity duality teach us about condensed matter physics?, Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics
3, 9 (2012); arXiv:1108.1197
- Quantum Criticality,
S. Sachdev and B. Keimer, Physics Today 64, no. 2, 29 (2011); arXiv:1102.4628
- The quantum phases of matter, Lecture at the 100th Anniversary Solvay Conference on Physics, "The Theory of the Quantum World", Brussels, Oct 2011; arXiv:1203.4565.
- Quantum criticality and the phase diagram
of the cuprates,
- Keynote talk at the 9th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Tokyo, Sep 7-12, 2009; arXiv:0910.0846
- Finite temperature dissipation and transport near quantum critical points,
- contributed chapter to the book "Developments in Quantum Phase Transitions", edited by Lincoln Carr; arXiv:0910.1139
- Exotic phases and quantum phase transitions: model systems and experiments - Rapporteur talk at the 24th Solvay Conference on Physics, "Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter", Brussels, Oct 2008 ; arXiv:0901.4103
- The landscape of the Hubbard
model, TASI (Boulder, June 2010) and Chandrasekhar (Bangalore, December 2010) lectures;
- Quantum phase
transitions of antiferromagnets and the cuprate superconductors,
Lectures at the Les Houches School May 11-29, 2009;
published in Modern Theories of Many-Particle Systems in Condensed Matter Physics, D. C. Cabra, A. Honecker,
and P. Pujol eds, Lecture Notes in Physics v. 843, Springer, Berlin (2012);
and Lectures at the Mahabaleshwar Condensed Matter School,
International Center for Theoretical Sciences, India, December 16-23, 2009; arXiv:1002.3823.
- Quantum magnetism and criticality,
Nature Physics 4, 173 (2008); arXiv:0711.3015
- Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors,
Reviews of Modern Physics 75, 913 (2003); cond-mat/0211005
Quantum phases and phase transitions of Mott insulators,
Chapter in "Quantum magnetism", U. Schollwock, J. Richter, D. J. J. Farnell and R. A. Bishop eds, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Berlin (2004); cond-mat/0401041
Quantum Phase Transitions
- Book published by Cambridge University Press (1999).
- popular science article to appear in The New Physics, edited by Gordon Fraser,
Cambridge University Press
- contribution to the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics,
eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and
Tsou S.T., 4, 289 (2006), Oxford: Elsevier.
- contribution to the Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials, edited by H. Kronmuller and S. Parkin, Wiley, 2005.
Quantum Criticality:
competing ground states in low dimensions,
Science 288, 475 (2000); cond-mat/0009456