
Biography and interviews:
- Public lecture on Quantum entanglement in nature [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video], Institute Lecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, January 3, 2024.
- Peterson public lecture Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote; Video], Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, April 26, 2022
- Public lecture on Ultra-spooky action at a distance: from quantum materials in the lab to black holes
[PDF; Keynote; Video], Simons Foundation, New York, January 21, 2020
- Interview with Dirac Medal Winners, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, March 28, 2019.
- Chai with Manju, Interview with INE News, Oct 22, 2018.
- Interview in the Times of India, Sep 11, 2018.
- Public Lecture on Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes
, Simons Foundation, New York, February 8, 2017 [PDF; Keynote; Video]
- Taming Superconductors
With String Theory, Interview in Quanta Magazine January 21, 2016. Also in Scientific American.
- Public Lecture on
Quantum Entanglement and Superconductivity,
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Waterloo, Canada, October 1, 2014 [Video; PDF; Keynote; Trailer; Interview 1; Interview 2].
- Biography at the National Academy of Sciences
- Videos of the Salam Distinguished Lectures 2014,
International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, January 27-30, 2014.
- Interview at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, January 28, 2014.
- A profile and an interview in the Harvard Gazette.
Research reports:
- Luttinger's theorem at the core of topological matter, Phys.org, December 6, 2023.
- Meet Strange Metals: Where Electricity May Flow Without Electrons, by Charlie Wood, Quanta Magazine, November 27, 2023.
- Strange metals reveal their secrets, Physics World, September 14, 2023.
- The Mystery of "Strange" Metals Explained, Physics Magazine, August 31, 2023.
- We Finally Know Why Quantum 'Strange Metals' Are So Strange, Simons Foundation News, August 17, 2023.
- Past scholars elected to Royal Society, Institute for Advanced Study news, May 10, 2023.
- Subir Sachdev elected fellow of the Royal Society,
ICTS News, May 12, 2023.
- Exceptional scientists elected as Fellows of the Royal Society,
The Royal Society, May 10, 2023.
- C. Laurens, Métaux étranges, Epsiloon, pp. 66-69, February 2023.
- Physicists Create a Wormhole Using a Quantum Computer, by Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine, November 30, 2022.
- Physicists Create `the Smallest, Crummiest Wormhole You Can Imagine', by Dennis Overbye, New York Times, November 30, 2022.
- Strange connections, Simons Foundation Annual Report, 2021 Edition.
- A glimpse inside a graphene sandwich, by University of Innsbruck, Phys.Org, April 27, 2022.
- A better large N limit of the electron-boson problem?, by Steven A. Kivelson, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, February 28, 2022.
- New State of Matter Observed through Entangled Particles, Institute for Advanced Study, December 2, 2021.
- Quantum Simulators Create a Totally New Phase of Matter, Quanta Magazine, December 2, 2021.
- Harvard-led researchers document the presence of quantum spin liquids, a never-before-seen state of matter, Harvard news release, December 2, 2021. Also Step in quest for quantum computing.
- A new quantum limit for electrons, CIFAR news, July 28, 2021.
- When the Disorder is Just Right, by Philip W. Phillips, Physics, 14, 88, June 14, 2021.
- A Black Hole in the Palm of Your Hand, NHK TV program in Japan, April 2021.
- A New Twist Reveals Superconductivity's Secrets, Quanta Magazine, March 16, 2021.
- A theoretical explanation for an enhanced thermal Hall response in high-temperature superconductors, Phys.Org, October 31, 2019.
- New theory draws connections between Planckian metals and black holes, Phys.Org, August 26, 2019.
- Two Indian American researchers named to American Academy of Arts & Sciences for extraordinary achievements, India West, April 25, 2019.
- 12 faculty honored for their 'compelling achievements', The Harvard Gazette, April 17, 2019.
- The unexpected duality of gravitational and condensed-matter physics, by Per Kraus, Physics Today, April 2019.
- Universal Quantum Phenomena Found in Strange Metals, Quanta Magazine, November 19, 2018.
- New England Choice Awards for Academics, October 26, 2018.
- Dirac Medal winners share close ties
with Perimeter, Perimeter Institute, August 15, 2018.
- Dirac Medal to Subir Sachdev, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, August 14, 2018.
- Subir Sachdev awarded the 2018 Dirac Medal
by ICTP, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, August 14, 2018.
- UChicago physicist earns Dirac Medal for pioneering research, UChicago News, August 10, 2018.
- Sachdev awarded 2018 Dirac Medal, Department of Physics, Harvard University, August 9, 2019.
- Indian-born scientist wins prestigious Dirac Medal, Times of India, August 9, 2018.
- 2018 Dirac Medal Winners Announced,
International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, August 2018.
- Elusive Higgs-Like State Created in Exotic Materials,
Quanta Magazine, February 2018.
- Black Holes and Revelations, Discover magazine, November 2017, page 70.
- Subir Sachdev wins Lars Onsager Prize, Perimeter Institute, October 30, 2017.
- Subir
Sachdev awarded Lars Onsager Prize of the American Physical Society 2018, ICTS Bangalore, October 27, 2017.
- 2018 APS Prizes Awarded, ICTP Trieste, October 24, 2017.
- Spring 2018 American Physical Society Prizes and Awards Announced, APS, October 23, 2017
- An Experiment in Zurich Brings Us Nearer to a Black Hole's Mysteries, New York Times, July 19, 2017
- Big Bang gravitational effect observed in
lab crystal, Nature, July 2017.
- Black hole power: How string theory idea could lead to new thermal-energy harvesting tech,
IEEE Spectrum, July 2017.
- Scientists Just Observed an Effect of Gravity on Tiny Particles For the First Time, Gizmodo, July 2017.
- Is there a speed limit for thermalization?, by Michael Mulligan, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, November 2016.
- Electrons go with the flow in exotic material systems,
by Jan Zaanen, Science 351, 1026 (2016).
Quantum phase transition underpins superconductivity in copper oxides, CIFAR News, February 2016.
- How to make electrons behave like
a liquid, MIT News, February 2016.
- The Quantum Secret to
Superconductivity, Quanta Magazine, February 2016.
- Liquid-like graphene could be the key to understanding black holes, Gizmag, February 2016.
- A metal that behaves like water,
AAAS EurekaAlert!, February 2016.
- Getting a grip on quantum criticality in metals, by
Joerg Schmalian, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, January 2016.
- Quantum Hydrodynamic Transport in Graphene, by Francisco Guinea, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, October 2015.
- Unraveling the complex, intertwined electron phases in a superconductor, Phys. Org and ScienceDaily, October 26, 2015.
- What do strange metals and black holes have in common?, by Hamish Johnston, Physics World, June 2015.
- What is the fastest an egg (or anything else) can be scrambled?, by Joel Moore, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, June 2015.
- Quantum fluctuations can handle heat,
CIFAR Knowledge Circle, September 2014.
- A Critical Test of Quantum Criticality, by Martin Klanjšek, Physics 7, 74 (2014).
- Superconducting instabilities of quantum critical metals, by Leon Balents, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, May 2014.
- Decoding the Secrets of Superconductivity, Quanta magazine, Simons Foundation, April 2014.
- Quantum mechanics of black holes, by Edward Witten, Science 337, 538 (2012).
- Collaborative physics: String theory finds a bench mate, Nature 478, 302 (2011).
- A route to quantum magnetism, by Ian Spielman, Nature 472, 301 (2011).
- Recent Progress in non-Fermi Liquid Theory in Two Dimensions, by Patrick Lee, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, December 2010.
- String theory tackles strange metals, Nature News, October 2010.
- In pursuit of a nameless metal, by John McGreevy, Physics 3, 83 (2010).
- Hidden one-dimensional physics in 2D critical metals, by Andrey Chubukov, Physics 3, 70 (2010).
- Physicists investigate electron fractionalization into not two, but three components, Phys.Org, August 2010.
- Does quantum mechanics play a role in critical phenomena?, by Rajiv Singh, Physics 3, 35 (2010).
- 'Perfect' fluids in nuclear, atomic and condensed matter physics, by Joerg Schamlian, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, September 2009.
- Electrons in graphene: an interacting fluid par excellence, by Igor Herbut, Physics 2, 57 (2009).
- String theory hints at explanation for superconductivity, Nature News, July 2009.
- The Black Hole and the Babel Fish, The Foundational Questions Institute, October 2008.
- Beyond convention, by Didier Poilblanc, Nature Physics 4, 16 (2008).
- Article in Dutch newspaper, September 2, 2007.
- A black hole full of answers, by Jan Zaanen, Nature 448, 30 (2007).
- Quantum criticality beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm,
by Bertrand Halperin, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, April 2005.
- Quantum Phase Transitions out of the Heavy Fermi liquid,
by Matthew Fisher, Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, October 2004.
- New Experiments Highlight Universal Behavior in Copper Oxide Superconductors, Physics Today, September 2004.
- The Cup of the Hand, by Robert Laughlin, Science 303, 1475 (2004).
- Experiments Vindicate a 50-Year-Old Explanation of How Liquid Metals Resist Solidification, Physics Today, July 2003.
- Microwaves Induce Vanishing Resistance in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems, Physics Today, April 2003.
- From Superfluid to Insulator: Bose-Einstein Condensate Undergoes a Quantum Phase Transition, Physics Today, March 2002.
- Magnetism and Superconductivity Fight for Control in High-Tc Superconductors, Physics Today, February 2002.
- Spin and Isospin: Exotic Order in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets, by Steven Girvin, Physics Today, June 2000.