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Condensed Matter Theory Group

Condensed Matter Theory Seminars

Subir Sachdev
Herchel Smith Professor of Physics
Harvard University
Harvard University

Recent talks

See also, lectures on my YouTube channel, at the Perimeter Institute Archive, and at KITP, Santa Barbara.
Public talks are marked with a 
  • Entanglement in quantum matter: spin liquids and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models [PDF]
    (eQMA Distinguished Lecture, Rice University, Houston, February 19, 2025)
  • Entanglement in quantum matter: spin liquids and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models [PDF; Video]
    (Columbia University, New York, February 17, 2025)
  • The foot, the fan, and the cuprate phase diagram: Fermi-volume-changing quantum phase transitions [PDF]
    (Harvard University, February 7, 2025)
  • Fermi-volume-changing quantum phase transitions and the cuprate phase diagram [PDF]
    (Florida State University, Tallahassee, January 31, 2025)
  • Entanglement in quantum matter: spin liquids and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models [PDF]
    (Florida State University, Tallahassee, January 30, 2025)
  • Entanglement in quantum matter: spin liquids and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models [PDF; Video]
    (Special Colloquium, Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, January 21, 2025)
  • Quantum entanglement in quantum matter [PDF; Video]
    (QM 100, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, January 14, 2025)
  • Fermi-volume-changing quantum phase transitions and the cuprate phase diagram [PDF]
    (Evolution of Electronic Structure Theory & Experimental Realization, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, January 8, 2025)
  • 100 years of quantum mechanics: from Bose and Einstein to superconductors and black holes [PDF; Video]
    (Eminent Speaker Lecture Series, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, January 7, 2025)
  • From the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model to theories of strange metals and black holes [PDF]
    (Spotlight Lecture, Shaastra 2025, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, January 6, 2025)
  • Fermi-volume-changing quantum phase transitions and the cuprate phase diagram [PDF]
    (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, January 2, 2025)
  • From the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model to theories of strange metals and charged/rotating black holes [PDF; Video]
    (International Conference on Bose-Einstein Condensation, Superconductivity, Superfluidity and Quantum Magnetism, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, November 12-16, 2024)
  • Decoding the phases of the cuprates using fractionalization and spinons [PDF]
    (Key Advances in Quantum Materials, Jouvence, Canada, October 15, 2024)
  • From the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model to a universal theory of strange metals [PDF; Video]
    (Progress in Physics 2024, Condensed Matter, Institute of Physics, London, October 10, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: high temperature superconductors and black holes [PDF; Video]
    (New York University, October 3, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: high temperature superconductors and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Feenberg Lecture, Washington University in St. Louis, September 25, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Inverse 137, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Berhampur, Odisha, August 9, 2024)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the cuprate high temperature superconductors [PDF; Video]
    (Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences Lecture Series, Tsinghua University, Beijing, July 18, 2024)
  • From the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model to a universal theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (International Congress of Basic Science, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), July 15, 2024)
  • Quantum phase transitions of metals [Lecture notes and slides; Videos]
    (Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2024, Quantum Matter Summer School, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, July 8-11, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Symposium on Condensed Matter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel June 30, 2024)
  • Spin liquid entanglement in the Fermi sea [PDF]
    (Exotic quantum matter from quantum spin liquids to novel field theories, Castello dei Principi Capano, Pollica, Italy, June 25, 2024)
  • Universal theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Joint ICTP-SISSA colloquium, Trieste, June 19, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of California, Santa Barbara, May 21, 2024)
  • The pseudogap metal and its confinement transitions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Correlated Gapless Quantum Matter, KITP, Santa Barbara, May 21, 2024)
  • Universal theory for quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional metals with Harris disorder [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Theories, Experiments and Numerics on Gapless Quantum Many-body Systems, KITP, Santa Barbara, May 14, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 3, 2024)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the cuprate high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Toronto, March 22, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of Toronto, March 21, 2024)
  • Universal theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, March 14, 2024)
  • SYK and overdamped-boson-localization regimes in the theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, B07.00006, Minneapolis, March 4, 2024)
  • The role of disorder in the theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (FTPI March Meeting, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, March 1, 2024)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the cuprate high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, January 5, 2024)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Institute Lecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, January 3, 2024)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of strange metals and black holes [Poster; PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, December 29, 2023)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Indian Academy of Sciences Public Lecture, National College, Bengaluru, December 28, 2023)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the cuprate high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru, December 27, 2023)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, December 22, 2023)
  • Universal theory of transport in strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Statphys Kolkata XII, S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, December 20, 2023)
  • Quantum entanglement in nature: superconductors and black holes [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad, December 16, 2023)
  • Universal theory of transport in strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Pan-TIFR condensed matter physics conference, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad, December 15, 2023)
  • Ancilla theory of the pseudogap and of the cuprate phase diagram [PDF; Keynote]
    (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, November 17, 2023)
  • Ancilla theory of the pseudogap and of the cuprate phase diagram [PDF; Keynote]
    (Ringberg Castle, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, November 16, 2023)
  • Fate of SYK-type strange metals at low temperatures [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Non-Fermi Liquids: Recent Developments and Future Prospects, Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics and James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, October 28, 2023)
  • Quantum glasses, reparameterization invariance, Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Rapporteur presentation at the 29th Solvay Conference on Physics: "The Structure and Dynamics of Disordered Systems", Brussels, October 21, 2023)
  • Understanding the cuprate phase diagram from a theory of the pseudogap metal [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Materials With and Without Quasiparticles, KITP, Santa Barbara, October 5, 2023)
  • Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Electron Correlations beyond the Quasiparticle Paradigm: Theory and Experiment, Conference at KITP, Santa Barbara, September 18, 2023)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (Ultra Quantum Matter meeting, Harvard, September 15, 2023)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (EPiQS Investigator Symposium, Rancho Bernado Inn, San Diego, August 3, 2023)
  • Stripes, d-wave superconductivity, and quantum spin liquids [PDF; Keynote]
    (Stripes, Planckian Dissipation and Quantum Supremacy, Zaanen Fest, Leiden University, July 17, 2023)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Oxford, July 11, 2023)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of the SYK model, charged black holes, and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK, July 10, 2023)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of charged black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Colloquium Ehrenfestii, Instituut Lorentz, Leiden University, July 5, 2023)
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of Wurzburg, July 3, 2023)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of Antwerp, June 26, 2023)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of charged black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Institute for Theoretical Physics, KU Leuven, June 23, 2023)
  • SYK tutorial [PDF; Keynote]
    (2023 Jacques Solvay International Chair in Physics, Brussels, June 22, 2023)
    1. Large-N theory of the SYK model
    2. Finite-N theory of the SYK model
    3. Quantum Einstein-Maxwell gravity theory of charged black holes
    4. Universal theory of strange metals
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (2023 Jacques Solvay International Chair in Physics, Inaugural Lecture, Brussels, June 20, 2023)
  • Quantum spin liquids and the phases of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, May 29, 2023)
  • Spin liquids and the phases of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, May 17, 2023)
  • A model of the cuprates: from the pseudogap metal, to d-wave superconductivity and charge order [PDF; Keynote]
    (Superconductivity Gordon Research Conference, Interactions, Topology and Applications, Les Diablerets, May 3, 2023)
  • A model of the cuprates: from the pseudogap metal, to d-wave superconductivity and charge order [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Matter Seminar, CMSA, Harvard, April 21, 2023)
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Talk to Physics Club, IISER Tirupati, April 10, 2023)
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Llewellyn G. Hoxton Lecture, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 6, 2023)
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Carnegie Mellon University, March 20, 2023)
  • Lectures at Hong Kong University, March 14-16, 2023.
    1. When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video]
    2. Introduction to quantum spin liquids [Poster; Video]
    3. The cuprate phase diagram: theory of the pseudogap metal, d-wave superconductivity, and charge order [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video]
    4. Universal theory of strange metals [Poster; PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Walter Kohn Centenary Celebration Symposium, TCG CREST, Kolkata, March 9, 2023)
  • A model of d-wave superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, and charge order on the square lattice [PDF; Keynote]
    (American Physical Society March Meeting, Las Vegas, Session F30, March 7, 2023)
  • Role of spatial disorder in strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (American Physical Society March Meeting, Las Vegas, Session B24: Do strange metals exhibit Planckian dissipation?, March 6, 2023)
  • From SYK models to a universal theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (American Physical Society March Meeting, Las Vegas, Tutorial Session T3: Strange Metals, March 5, 2023)
  • Graphene flakes, strange metals, and black holes: insights from the SYK model [PDF; Keynote]
    (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, January 17, 2023)
  • Graphene flakes, strange metals, and black holes: insights from the SYK model [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Institute Colloquium, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, January 16, 2023)
  • Experiments on graphene flakes and strange metals: insights from the SYK model [PDF; Keynote]
    (Abu Dhabi Meeting on Theoretical Physics, NYU Abu Dhabi, January 10, 2023)
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, December 9, 2022)
  • Paramagnon fractionalization theory of the cuprate pseudogap and phase diagram [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Integrated Spectroscopy for Strong Electron Correlation - Theory, Computation and Experiment, The 13th TOYOTA RIKEN International Workshop, University of Tokyo, December 7, 2022)
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (A nano focus on quantum materials, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg, November 28, 2022)
  • Paramagnon fractionalization theory of the cuprate pseudogap [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Simulation of Doped Hubbard Systems, ITAMP, Harvard, November 15, 2022)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Colloquium, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, South Korea, November 4, 2022)
  • Strange metals: strongly correlated quantum matter with spatially random interactions [PDF; Keynote]
    (Workshop on Strange Metals and Emergent Physics in Materials and Structures, Rice Center for Quantum Materials, Rice University, October 31, 2022)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (QuIST webinar; Quantum Information, Spacetime, and Topological Matter, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, October 27, 2022)
  • When nature entangles millions of particles: from quantum materials to black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Laboratoire de Physique, Ecole normale superieure de Lyon, France, October 21, 2022)
  • CFTs in 0+1 dimensions: implications for charged black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Bootstrapping Nature: Non-perturbative Approaches to Critical Phenomena, The Galileo Galilei Institute For Theoretical Physics, Firenze, October 20, 2022)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of Capetown, South Africa, October 14, 2022)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of charged black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (CMSA colloquium, Harvard, October 5, 2022)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Colorado, Boulder, September 30, 2022)
  • Future of gapless UQM [PDF; Keynote]
    (Simons Collaboration on Ultra-Quantum Matter, Program Meeting, Caltech, September 20, 2022)
  • Strange Metals: Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter with Spatially Random Interactions [PDF]
    (Kuemmel Award Talk by Aavishkar Patel at Recent Progress in Many Body Theories XXI, September 14 2022, Chapel Hill, NC)
  • Yukawa-SYK models and a universal theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Localisation 2022, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, August 30, 2022)
  • Yukawa-SYK models and a universal theory of strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Conformal field theory and quantum many-body physics, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, University de Montreal, August 25, 2022)
  • Large N theory of critical Fermi surface and strange metal [Video]
    (Talk by Haoyu Guo at Harvard CMSA seminar, August 16, 2022)
  • Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions [PDF; Keynote]
    (EpiQS Investigator Symposium, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, August 8-11, 2022)
  • Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions [PDF; Keynote]
    (International Conference on Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter, CT.QMAT22, Wurzburg, July 26, 2022)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (12th Crete Regional Meeting in String Theory, Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Greece, July 7, 2022)
  • Non-Fermi liquids vs. Strange Metals vs. Bad Metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Correlated Electron Systems, Gordon Research Conference, Mount Holyoke College, June 29, 2022)
  • Quantum statistical mechanics of black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, June 14, 2022)
  • Condensed Matter Physics in City, University College, London, June 8-10, 2022
    1. Quantum spin liquids, and a theory of the cuprate pseudogap metal [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    2. Yukawa-SYK models and strange metals in two spatial dimensions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • Statistical Mechanics of Strange Metals and Black Holes, Lectures at the College de France, Paris, May 17, 24, 31, June 7, 2022
    1. Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a black hole [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    2. SYK-black hole holographic duality (I) [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    3. SYK-black hole holographic duality (II) [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    4. Yukawa-SYK models and strange metals in two spatial dimensions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • Quantum spin liquids: from Rydberg atoms to the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Geneva, May 20, 2022)
  • Quantum spin liquids: from Rydberg atoms to the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Gauge Workshop Munich 2022, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Munich, May 11, 2022)
  • Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, May 6 2022)
  • Resonant "side-jump" thermal Hall effect of phonons coupled to dynamical defects [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR Quantum Materials Program Meeting, Toronto, May 4, 2022)
  • Statistical mechanics of strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Purdue University, April 28, 2022)
  • Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Peterson Public Lecture, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, April 26, 2022)
  • Statistical mechanics of strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, April 25, 2022)
  • Paramagnon fractionalization in the pseudogap, and implications for the cuprate phase diagram [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (GLAM, Stanford University, April 19, 2022)
  • Statistical mechanics of strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of California, Davis, April 18, 2022)
  • Deconfined Z2 gauge theory in Rydberg atom arrays [PDF; Keynote]
    (InQubator for Quantum Simulation, University of Washington, April 11, 2022)
  • Quantum spin liquids: from Rydberg atoms to the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, April 5, 2022)
  • Universal, low temperature, T-linear resistivity in two-dimensional quantum-critical metals from spatially random interactions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Low-Dimensional Holography and Black Holes, Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences, March 30, 2022)
  • Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (PRL ka Amrut Vyakhyaan, Physical Research Laboratories, Ahmedabad, March 30, 2022)
  • Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (International Lecture series on Recent Advances in Physics, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, March 15, 2022)
  • Statistical mechanics of metals without quasiparticles and charged black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Lehigh University, March 3, 2022)
  • Statistical mechanics of metals without quasiparticles and charged black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Arline and Michael Magde Colloquium, Boston College, March 2, 2022)
  • Statistical mechanics of metals without quasiparticles and charged black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Boltzmann Lecture 2022, SISSA, Trieste, February 21, 2022)
  • SFT 2022 - Lectures on Statistical Field Theories, The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, February 7-11, 2022
    1. Fractionalization in the XY model in 2+1 dimensions [Video]
    2. Parton theory of the Z2 spin liquid [Video]
    3. Parton theory of the chiral spin liquid and fractional quantum Hall states [Video]
    4. Quantum matter without quasiparticles: the SYK model [Video]
    5. Quantum matter without quasiparticles: quantum-critical metals in two spatial dimensions [Video]
  • Maximal quantum chaos of the critical Fermi surface [Video]
    (Talk by Maria Tikhanovskaya at Harvard CMSA seminar, January 28, 2022)
  • Paramagnon fractionalization theory of the cuprate pseudogap metal [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (New Directions in Strong Correlation Physics: From Strange Metals to Topological Superconductivity, Aspen Winter Conference, January 24, 2022)
  • Paramagnon fractionalization theory of the cuprate pseudogap metal [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Simons Collaboration on Ultra-Quantum Matter, Annual Meeting, New York, January 20, 2022)
  • Metals with strongly correlated electrons: quantum criticality, disordered interactions, Planckian dissipation, and scale invariance [Video]
    (Talk by Aavishkar Patel at Harvard CMSA seminar, January 18, 2022)
  • Planckian metals from spatially random interactions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Open Challenges in the Theory of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, December 16, 2021)
  • Planckian metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Hamilton Colloquium Series, Princeton University, November 11, 2021)
  • Planckian metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (S. N. Bose Colloquium Series on Quantum Materials and Devices, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, November 10, 2021)
  • Planckian metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Matter Frontier Seminars, Ontario, Canada, November 8, 2021)
  • Spooky action at a distance: in the lab and in black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Stonebridge at Montgomery, November 6, 2021)
  • Planckian metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (1st International Symposium on Trans Scale Quantum Science, Trans-Scale Quantum Science Institute, University of Tokyo, October 28, 2021)
  • Probing topological spin liquids in Rydberg atom arrays [PDF; Keynote]
    (Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Principal Investigators' Meeting, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy, October 28, 2021)
  • Planckian metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Workshop on Ultra-Quantum Matter, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, October 26, 2021)
  • Planckian metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (GGI Tea Break, The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy, October 20, 2021)
  • Maximal quantum chaos of the critical Fermi surface [PDF; Keynote]
    (Probing Complex Quantum Dynamics through Out-of-time-ordered Correlators, MPIPKS, Dresden, October 12, 2021)
  • Crossover from a fractionalized SYK spin liquid to a confining spin glass [PDF; Keynote]
    (Strings, Fields and Holograms, Ascona, Switzerland, October 11, 2021)
  • Quantum phases of matter with Rydberg atoms [PDF; Keynote]
    (Princeton Quantum Colloquium, Princeton University, October 4, 2021)
  • Fermi surfaces large and small: unifying theories of the Kondo lattice and Hubbard models [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Many-Body Days, UNC Chapel Hill, September 28, 2021)
  • Fermi surfaces large and small: unifying theories of the Kondo lattice and Hubbard models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Rutgers University, September 21, 2021)
  • Discussion meeting on Topological Aspects of Strong Correlations and Gauge Theories, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru, Sep 6,7, 2021
    1. The Kondo effect, the Kondo lattice, and the heavy Fermi liquid [PDF]
    2. Fermi surfaces large and small: unifying theories of the Anderson lattice and Hubbard models [PDF; Keynote]
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (The Society of Physics, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, August 26, 2021)
  • The SYK model: a window into random quantum spin liquids and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Mathematical Physics seminar, Rutgers University, August 18, 2021)
  • The quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (The Delhi Public School Society, August 16, 2021)
  • The SYK model: a window into black holes and non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (5th International Conference on Holography, String Theory and Discrete Approach, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 3, 2021)
  • The quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Physics Training and Talent Search, Infosys Science Foundation, July 20, 2021)
  • SYK criticality at metal-metal transitions in the Hubbard and Kondo lattice models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Theoretical & Experimental Magnetism Meeting (TEMM 2021), Cosener's House in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, July 13, 2021)
  • Quantum phases of matter with Rydberg atoms [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Interacting Topological Matter: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Systems, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 6, 2021)
  • Fermi surfaces large and small: unifying theories of the Anderson lattice and Hubbard models [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Condensed Matter in the City: Deep Challenges of Quantum Materials, Skye School: Foundations of Quantum Matter, London, July 1, 2021)
  • Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (The Racah Memorial Lecture, The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 21, 2021)
  • Random t-J model theory of the cuprate phase diagram [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (ICTS String Seminar, ICTS Bengaluru, June 9 , 2021)
  • The SYK model: a window into black holes and non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (The Dual Mysteries of Gauge Theories and Gravity, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, June 7, 2021)
  • Planckian metals and the time reparameterization soft-mode [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (25th Rencontres Itzykson, Many Body Chaos, Scrambling and Thermalization in Interacting Quantum Systems, Institut de Physique Theorique, Saclay, June 3, 2021)
  • The SYK model: a window into non-Fermi liquids and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Wurzburg University, June 1, 2021)
  • The SYK model: a window into non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Distinguished Lectures on Topological Materials, Institute for Materials Science, Los Alamos National Laboratory, May 28, 2021)
  • H.L. Welsh Lectures in Physics, University of Toronto, May 6,7, 2021
    Public Talk: Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote;Video]
    Colloquium: Fermi surfaces, large and small [PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • Quantum entanglement at all distances [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (ICTS Big Questions talk, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR, Bengaluru, May 1, 2021)
  • Large N theories of non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Gravity and Emergent Gauge Fields in Condensed and Synthetic Matter, Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, April 21, 2021)
  • A simple model of many-particle entanglement: how it describes black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Physical Review Invited Session: Forefront Research Across Disciplines, APS March Meeting, March 16, 2021)
  • A simple model of many-particle entanglement: how it describes black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Mysteries of the Universe, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, March 13, 2021)
  • A simple model of many-particle entanglement: how it describes black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (New Horizons in Physics-IPA50, Commemorating 50 years of Indian Physics Association, APS-IPA Joint Lecture, February 27, 2021)
  • Distinguished Colloquium and Lectureship at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, February 17-19, 2021
    Colloquium: A simple model of many-particle entanglement: how it describes black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    Lecture 1. Quantum spin liquids in antiferromagnets and Rydberg atoms [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    Lecture 2. Fractionalization and emergent gauge fields in metals: application to CeCoIn5 and the cuprates [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    Lecture 3. The SYK model and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    Lecture 4. Planckian metals and SYK criticality [PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • A simple model of many-particle entanglement: how it describes black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of New Mexico, February 5, 2021)
  • Quantum phase transition at non-zero doping in a random t-J model [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR Quantum Materials mini-meeting, January 27, 2021)
  • A simple model of entangled qubits, how it describes black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Challenges and Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics, Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, University of Bristol, January 20, 2021)
  • A simple model of entangled qubits, describing black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (QM3 Quantum Matter meets Maths, University of Lisbon, January 4, 2021)
  • Spooky action at a distance: in black holes and in the lab [PDF; Keynote]
    (Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, January 1, 2021)
  • Ancilla qubit wavefunctions for the pseudogap metal phase of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Tensor Networks: From Simulations to Holography III, Perimeter Institute, November 16, 2020)
  • A simple model of entangled qubits, describing black holes and superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (The Trinity Mathematical Society, Cambridge UK, November 2, 2020)
  • Excitation spectra of quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Fluids in Isolation, Virtual Seminar Series, Boston College, October 15, 2020)
  • Metal-to-metal quantum phase transitions not driven by symmetry breaking orders [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Correlated Systems with Multicomponent Local Hilbert Spaces, KITP, UC Santa Barbara, October 15, 2020)
  • Spacetime explained: what do black holes reveal? [Video, in Russian]
    Panel discussion the Michael Good and Juan Malcadena, Central Asia Nobel Fest, Inclusive Development Foundation, Kazakhstan, October 4, 2020.
  • The strange quantum physics of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of Maryland, September 29, 2020)
  • Metal-to-metal quantum phase transitions not described by symmetry breaking orders II [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials and High-Temperature Superconductors Series at the Center for Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard, September 23, 2020)
  • Metal-to-metal quantum phase transitions not described by symmetry breaking orders I [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials and High-Temperature Superconductors Series at the Center for Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard, September 2, 2020)
  • The strange quantum transition from the pseudogap metal to the Fermi liquid [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Matter seminar, Northeastern University, Boston, August 12, 2020)
  • SYK criticality and correlated metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Online School on Ultra Quantum Matter, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, August 10, 2020)
  • Intertwining fractionalization and broken symmetry: theories for the onset of magnetism in disordered and clean metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Return of the Intertwined: New Developments in Correlated Materials - Online Reunion Conference, KITP Santa Barbara, July 29, 2020)
  • The time reparameterization soft mode [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Simons Collaboration on Ultra Quantum Matter, Virtual Meeting, June 2, 2020)
  • Linear in temperature resistivity in the limit of zero temperature from the time reparameterization soft mode [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Aspects of Space-Time and Matter Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, May 14, 2020)
  • Thermal Hall effect in cuprates and spin liquids [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR - Quantum Materials Program Meeting, Zoom, May 11-13, 2020)
  • The strange quantum physics of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, March 11, 2020)
  • Ultra-spooky action at a distance: from quantum materials in the lab to black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Helen and Morton Sternheim Lecture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, March 10, 2020)
  • Metal-insulator transition in a Hubbard model with random and all-to-all hopping and exchange [PDF; Keynote]
    (American Physical Society meeeting, Denver, March 5, 2020)
  • Strange Metals and Black Holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (American Physical Society meeeting, Denver, March 3, 2020)
  • Planckian metals and deconfined quantum criticality [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR Quantum Materials at CCQ, Flatiron Institute, New York, February 11, 2020)
  • Strange Metals and Black Holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Michigan State University, East Lansing, February 6, 2020)
  • Ultra-spooky action at a distance: from quantum materials in the lab to black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Simons Foundation, New York, January 21, 2020)
  • Deconfined quantum criticality in the cuprate high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Delhi University, January 13, 2020)
  • Deconfined quantum criticality in the cuprate high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, January 11, 2020)
  • Quantum entanglement: spooky action at a distance in the lab and in black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, January 10, 2020)
  • Non-abelian dualities and square lattice antiferromagnets [PDF; Keynote]
    (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, January 8, 2020)
  • Planckian metals and deconfined quantum criticality in the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, January 7, 2020)
  • Deconfined criticality in a doped random quantum Heisenberg magnet [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Novel Phases of Quantum Matter, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, January 1, 2020)
  • Deconfined criticality in a doped random quantum Heisenberg magnet [PDF; Keynote]
    (Seminar, 2019 Physics Marker Lectures, Penn State University, State College, December 6, 2019)
  • Strange Metals and Black Holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Colloquium, 2019 Physics Marker Lectures, Penn State University, State College, December 5, 2019)
  • Quantum entanglement: "Spooky action at distance" in modern materials in the lab, and in black holes in the universe [PDF; Keynote]
    (Public Lecture, 2019 Physics Marker Lectures, Penn State University, State College, December 4, 2019)
  • Deconfined criticality in a doped random quantum Heisenberg magnet [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Matter/QFT Seminar November 20, 2019, and Quantum Matter Workshop, CMSA, Harvard, December 3, 2019)
  • Quantum transport across SYK islands: probing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in quantum matter experiments [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Gravity in the Lab, Google X, Mountain View, November 16, 2019)
  • Quantum entanglement: "Spooky action at distance" in the lab, and in black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Tilde Cafe, Branford CT, November 9, 2019)
  • Thermal Hall effect in the pseudogap + Bilocal field theory for optimal doping [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR worskhop, Jouvence, Canada, October 31, 2019)
  • Thermal Hall effect in correlated materials [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (3rd EPiQS-TMS alliance workshop on Topological Phenomena in Quantum Materials (TPQM2019), KITP Santa Barbara, October 22, 2019)
  • Planckian metals and optimal doping criticality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Ringberg Symposium on Unconventional Superconductivity and Spin Liquids, Ringberg Castle, Germany, October 17, 2019)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (ICFO Barcelona, October 9, 2019)
  • Planckian Metals [PDF; Keynote: Video]
    (Applications of Random Matrix Theory to Many Body Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, September 19, 2019)
  • Planckian Metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Simons Collaboration on Ultra Quantum Matter, Harvard University, September 12, 2019)
  • Fermi surfaces and topological order in lattice fermion systems [PDF; Keynote]
    (BEC 2019, Frontiers in Quantum Gases Sant Feliu de Guixols, September 8, 2019)
  • Lectures at the Les Houches Summer School on Dynamics and Disorder in Quantum Many Body Systems Far from Equilibrium, August 19-21, 2019
    1. Introduction: quantum matter with and without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    2. The complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: large N limit and fluctuations [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    3. Applications to strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    Combined lecture notes [PDF; Keynote]
  • Theory of a Planckian metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum Criticality and Topology in Correlated Electron Systems, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, August 12-16, 2019)
  • Enhanced thermal Hall effect in the square lattice Neel state [PDF; Keynote]
    (5th EPiQS Investigator Symposium, Lake Tahoe, August 5, 2019)
  • Theory of a Planckian metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum Theories and Symmetries, XI International Symposium, Centre de recherches mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, July 2, 2019)
  • Theory of a Planckian metal [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Information and String Theory 2019, It from Qubit school/workshop, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, June 20, 2019)
  • Lectures at the summer school on Advances in strongly correlated electronic systems ASCES 2019, Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota June 14,15, 2019
    1. Theory of a Planckian metal [PDF; Keynote]
    2. Spin liquids in insulators and metals [PDF; Keynote]
  • From SYK models to charged black holes and Planckian metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Laval University, Quebec City, June 3, 2019)
  • Spin liquids in insulators and metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (ICTP Summer School, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics: New trends and Materials in Quantum Technologies, Samarkand, May 14, 2019)
  • SYK models and charged black holes: transport, chaos, and density of states [PDF; Keynote]
    (Many Body Quantum Dynamics: Perspectives from Field Theory and Gravity, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, May 9, 2019)
  • Theory of a Planckian metal with a remnant large Fermi surface [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Shoucheng Zhang Memorial Workshop, Stanford University, May 4, 2019)
  • Theory of a Planckian metal with a remnant large Fermi surface [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum matter: emergence & entanglement 3, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, April 22, 2019)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Lehigh University, April 18, 2019)
  • Non-Abelian dualities and quantum criticality in square lattice antiferromagnets [PDF; Keynote]
    (Field theory in condensed matter: a symposium in honor of Nick Read, Yale, April 12, 2019)
  • Non-Abelian dualities and quantum criticality in square lattice antiferromagnets [PDF; Keynote]
    (SudipFest, A workshop in honor of Sudip Chakravarty's 70th birthday, UCLA, April 5, 2019)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Dirac Medal Award Ceremony, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, March 28, 2019)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Case Western University, March 21, 2019)
  • Transport and chaos from SYK models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Conference on Many-Body Quantum Chaos, Aspen Center for Physics, March 13, 2019)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Kent State University, February 28, 2019)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Bell Lecture, McGill University, February 22, 2019)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Physics Department Memorial Lectureship, University of California, San Diego, February 14, 2019)
  • Gauge theory for the cuprates near optimal doping [PDF; Keynote]
    (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, February 8, 2019)
  • Universal low temperature theory of SYK models of strange metals and charged black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (New Directions in Theoretical Physics 3, Higgs Centre, University of Edinburgh, January 11, 2019)
  • Lectures at the 36th Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics, Recent Progress in Quantum Field/String Theory, December 30, 2018 - January 10, 2019
    1. Universal theory of complex SYK models and extremal charged black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video 1; Video 2; Lecture Notes]
    2. Application of SYK models to strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    3. Emergent gauge fields and topological order in the 3D XY model [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    4. Gauge theory for the cuprates near optimal doping [PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • Gauge theory for the cuprates across optimal doping [PDF; Keynote]
    (Topological Aspects of Quantum Matter, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, December 20, 2018)
  • Universal theory of complex SYK models and extremal charged black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Chaos and Order: from Strongly Correlated Systems to Black Holes, KITP, University of California, Santa Barbara, December 7, 2018)
  • Gauge theory for the cuprates near optimal doping [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University, November 7, 2018)
  • Gauge theory of optimal doping criticality in the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (EPIQS Investigator Symposium, Monterey CA, October 13, 2018)
  • The chiral clock model, duality, and Kibble-Zurek dynamics of ultracold Rydberg atoms [PDF; Keynote]
    (Harvard University, October 5, 2018)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Harvard University, September 24, 2018)
  • Gauge theory of optimal doping criticality in the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (AharonFest, Stanford University, September 15, 2018)
  • Gauge theories of ultra quantum metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (MPS conference on Ultra Quantum Matter II, Simons Foundation, New York, August 23, 2018)
  • Building strange metals from SYK models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Workshop on Non-Fermi Liquids, University of California, Berkeley, August 17, 2018)
  • Tutorial on the SYK model [PDF; Keynote]
    (Aspen Center for Physics, August 14, 2018)
  • SYK models of extremal black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum Science, Gordon Research Conference, Stonehill College, Easton MA, August 2, 2018)
  • SYK models of extremal black holes and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, July 30, 2018)
  • Fermi surface reconstruction by emergent gauge fields, without translational symmetry breaking [PDF; Keynote]
    (National Conference on Quantum Condensed Matter, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, July 26, 2018)
  • Quantum entanglement: strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Public Lecture, National Conference on Quantum Condensed Matter, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, July 26, 2018)
  • Solvable models of quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (XIX International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Montreal, July 23, 2018)
  • Building strange metals from SYK models [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Fudan University, Shanghai, July 10, 2018)
  • Lectures on Topological order and Fermi surface reconstruction [Videos]
    (Summer School on Exotic Quantum Matter, Fudan University, Shanghai, July 11, 2018)
  • Building strange metals from SYK models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Correlated Electron Systems, Gordon Research Conference Mount Holyoke College, June 25, 2018)
  • Quantum phases of SYK models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Integrable and Chaotic Quantum Dynamics: from Holography to Lattice, Bled, Slovenia, June 5, 2018)
  • SYK gauge theories [PDF; Keynote]
    (Correlated electron systems - novel developments, Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, May 16, 2018)
  • Building strange metals from SYK models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, May 7, 2018)
  • Z2 fractionalized phases of t-J models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Holographic Quantum Matter, Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, May 4, 2018)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Northwestern University, April 27, 2018)
  • The disordered Hubbard model: from Si:P to the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Workshop on 2D Quantum Metamaterials, NIST, Gaithersburg, April 25, 2018)
  • Topological order in quantum matter [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Flatiron Institute, New York, March 14, 2018)
  • Transport without quasiparticles in graphene and Weyl semi-metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, Los Angeles, March 9, 2018)
  • Quantum Monte Carlo study of a Z2 gauge theory containing phases with and without a Luttinger volume Fermi surface [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, Los Angeles, March 8, 2018)
  • Quantum phase transitions in condensed matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Lars Onsager Prize Lecture, APS March meeting, Los Angeles, March 7, 2018)
  • Ultra-quantum metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Simons Foundation, February 5, 2018)
  • Topological order in the pseudogap metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (High Temperature Superconductivity - Unifying Themes in Diverse Materials, 2018 Aspen Winter Conference, Aspen Center for Physics, January 16, 2018)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (Frontiers in Many Body Physics: Memorial for Lev Petrovich Gor'kov, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, January 13, 2018)
  • Lectures at the Theory Winter School, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, January 8-12, 2018
    1. The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models [PDF; Keynote]
    2. Transport in non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote]
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Kishore Viagyanik Protsahan Yojana, National Science Camp (Vijyoshi) - 2017, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, December 10, 2017)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Kishore Viagyanik Protsahan Yojana, National Science Camp (Vijyoshi) - 2017, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, December 9, 2017)
  • From the SYK model to a theory of the strange metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, Dec 8, 2017)
  • Topological order in quantum matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Stanford University, Nov 30, 2017)
  • Topological order in quantum matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, Nov 20, 2017)
  • Topological order in quantum matter [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Nov 17, 2017)
  • Confinement-deconfinement transitions in Z2 gauge theories, and deconfined criticality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Nov 15, 2017)
  • From the SYK model to a theory of the strange metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Nov 15, 2017)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Homi Bhabha Memorial Public Lecture, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Nov 14, 2017)
  • Topological order in quantum matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Nov 13, 2017)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Distinguished Lecture, Texas A&M University, Nov 9, 2017)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Biard Lecture, Caltech, Nov 2, 2017)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Dartmouth College, Oct 20, 2017)
  • From the SYK model, to a theory of the strange metal, and of quantum gravity in two spacetime dimensions [PDF; Keynote]
    (ARO MURI review, JQI, University of Maryland, Oct 13, 2017)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Stanford University, Oct 10, 2017)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of California, Santa Cruz, Oct 9, 2017)
  • Topology, quantum entanglement, and criticality in the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Exploring quantum phenomena and quantum matter in ultrahigh magnetic fields, National Science Foundation, Alexandria VA, Sep 21, 2017)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Blackboard talk at Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, Sep 18, 2017)
  • New Horizons in Quantum Matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Physics Next: From Quantum Fields to Condensed Matter, Riverhead, NY Aug 24-26, 2017)
  • Remarks on linear-T resistivity in strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Order, Fluctuations, and Strong Correlations: New Platforms and Developments, KITP Santa Barbara, August 4, 2017)
  • Intertwining topological order and broken symmetries in insulators and metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Poster at Order, Fluctuations, and Strong Correlations: New Platforms and Developments, KITP Santa Barbara, August 2, 2017)
  • Topological order and DMFT/QMC spectra for the pseudogap metal of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (Poster at the 3rd EPiQS Investigator Symposium, Monterey, July 31, 2017)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (Electron-electron Interactions in Topological Materials, Center for Advanced 2D Materials, National University of Singapore, June 28-30, 2017)
  • Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics of SYK models [PDF; Keynote]
    (Strongly Interacting Conformal Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics, Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing, June 25, 2017)
  • Z2 topological order near the Neel state of the square lattice antiferromagnet [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, May 18, 2017)
  • Z2 topological order near the Neel state on the square lattice [PDF; Keynote]
    (Simons Conference on Quantum Entanglement, Schloss Elmau, Germany May 5, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Heidelberg, April 27, 2017)
  • Z2 topological order near the Neel state on the square lattice [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Heidelberg, April 28, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Würzburg, April 27, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of Washington, Seattle, April 10, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Duke University, April 5, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Montreal, March 24, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Washington University, St. Louis, March 22, 2017)
  • From the pseudogap to the strange metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, New Orleans, March 13, 2017)
  • From the pseudogap to the strange metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (Common Threads in the Electronic Phase Diagram of Unconventional Superconductors, Lorentz Institute, Leiden, March 2, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Public Lecture, Simons Foundation, New York, February 8, 2017)
  • Quantum entanglement, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (13th Homi Bhabha Public Lecture, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, January 17, 2017)
  • Disordered metals without quasiparticles, and charged black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (String Theory: Past and Present (SpentaFest), International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru January 11, 2017)
  • Lectures at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, January 11-19, 2017
    1. What is topological order, and is it present in the high temperature superconductors? [PDF; Keynote ]
  • Lectures at the 34th Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics, New Horizons in Quantum Matter, December 27, 2016 - January 5, 2017
    1. Topological order in insulators and metals [PDF; Keynote; Video 1; Video 2 ]
    2. Quantum criticality: quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote Video]
    3. Disordered quantum matter without quasiparticles: the SYK models [PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: SYK models, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Maryland, College Park, December 13, 2016)
  • Topology and the phases of quantum matter in two dimensions [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (2016 Nobel prize in physics, impact on physics research and future directions, Stockholm University, December 8, 2016)
  • SYK models, strange metals, and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Illinois, Urbana, December 5, 2016)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: SYK models, black holes, and the cuprate strange metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (Workshop on Frontiers of Quantum Materials, Rice University, Houston, November 4, 2016)
  • SYK models and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Black Hole Initiative Colloquium, Harvard University, October 25, 2016)
  • Strange metals, black holes, and graphene [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Workshop on Chaos, the SYK Model and AdS2, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, October 17-19, 2016)
  • The SYK models of non-Fermi liquids and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (QMATH13: Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, October 9, 2016)
  • A mean field theory of strange metals and gapless spin liquids, and its connection to black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR Quantum Materials Program Meeting, College de France, Paris, October 7, 2016)
  • Strange metals, black holes, and graphene [PDF; Keynote]
    (Physics Colloquium, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 4, 2016)
  • The SYK model of non-Fermi liquids and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Applications of Gauge-Gravity Duality 2016, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 4, 2016)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: graphene [PDF; Keynote]
    (ARO-AFOSR MURI Program Review, University of Chicago, September 26-28, 2016)
  • Theories of non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists II, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, August 25, 2016)
  • Theories of non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum Criticality and Topology in Itinerant Electron Systems, Center for Non-linear Studies, Albuquerque August 18, 2016)
  • Hydrodynamic theory of thermoelectric transport in Weyl semi-metals [PDF]
    (Poster by Richard Davison, EPiQS Investigator Symposium, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, August 1-5, 2016)
  • Fluctuating antiferromagnetism and the pseudogap metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (EpiQS Investigator Symposium, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, August 1-5, 2016)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: random fermion models, black holes, graphene, and non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Keynote; Audio]
    (Workshop on Non-equilibrium Physics and Holography, St. John's College, Oxford, July 13, 2016)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: graphene, random fermion models, and black holes [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Discussion Meeting on Current Frontiers in Condensed Matter Research, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, June 27, 2016)
  • Entangled phases of quantum matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (3 lectures at the School on Current Frontiers in Condensed Matter Research, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, June 23-26, 2016)
    1. Onset of antiferromagnetism in metals, and d-wave superconductivity [Video 1]
    2. Spin density wave order, topological order, and Fermi surface reconstruction [Video 2]
    3. The SYK model of a strange metal [Video 3]
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: random fermion models, black holes, and graphene [PDF; Keynote]
    (Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism, Technion, Haifa, June 20, 2016)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles: random fermion models, black holes, and graphene [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum Matter, Spacetime, and Information, Yukawa International Seminar, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, June 15, 2016)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems, Dresden, May 22, 2016)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 18, 2016)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (PRL Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, April 13, 2016)
  • The novel metallic states of the cuprates: "topological" Fermi liquids (FL*) and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (PRL Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, April 11, 2016)
  • The pseudogap metal and FL* (a "topological" Fermi liquid) [PDF; Keynote]
    (American Physical Society meeting, Baltimore, March 14, 2016)
  • Emergent gauge fields and high temperature superconductivity [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Nambu Memorial Symposium, University of Chicago, March 12, 2016)
  • Antiferromagnetism, high temperature superconductivity, and quantum criticality [PDF; Keynote]
    (New York University, March 6, 2016)
  • Compressible quantum matter: connecting field theories and holography [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Gauge/Gravity Duality and Condensed Matter Physics, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada, February 29, 2016)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (University of Chicago, February 18, 2016)
  • Antiferromagnetism and high temperature superconductivity [PDF; Keynote]
    (Basic Research Needs Workshop on Quantum Materials for Energy Relevant Technology, Department of Energy, Gaithersburg MD, February 8, 2016)
  • Confinement transition out of a FL* metal with Z2 topological and Ising-nematic order [PDF; Keynote]
    (Intertwined Order in Strongly Correlated Systems, Laguna Beach, CA, January 29-31, 2016)
  • Emergent "light" and the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Pennsylvania State University, State College, Jan 21, 2016)
  • Emergent "light" and the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Jan 19, 2016)
  • Quantum-critical fluid in graphene [PDF; Keynote]
    (ARO MURI meeting, Berkeley, January 11, 2016)
  • Quantum phases of graphene [PDF; Keynote]
    (Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, January 9, 2016)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai, January 5, 2016)
  • Exotic metals in graphene and the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (New questions in quantum field theory from condensed matter theory, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, December 28, 2015)
  • Emergent gauge fields and the high temperature superconductors [Writeup; Slides; Keynote; Audio]
    (Unifying physics and technology in light of Maxwell's equations, The Royal Society, London, November 16, 2015)
  • Long-range quantum entanglement in metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Albanova and Nordita Colloquium, Stockholm, November 12, 2015)
  • Quantum Entanglement and Superconductivity [PDF; Keynote]
    (Cenovus Energy, Calgary, October 23, 2015)
  • Dynamics and Transport in Strange Metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, University of Montreal, October 21, 2015)
  • Dynamics and Transport in Strange Metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Stanford University, October 16, 2015)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Boston University, September 29, 2015)
  • Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (CMSA Colloquium, Harvard, September 16, 2015)
  • Strange metals and black holes [PDF; Keynote]
    (Rutgers University, September 9, 2015)
  • Quantum Entanglement and Superconductivity [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Dirac Lecture, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, September 1, 2015)
  • Metals with long-range entanglement [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, August 31, 2015)
  • Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity II, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, August 20, 2015)
  • The metallic states of the cuprates [Keynote]
    (School on Strongly Coupled Field Theories for Condensed Matter and Quantum Information Theory, International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil, August 13-14, 2015)
    1. Fermi liquids and Fractionalized Fermi liquids [PDF]
    2. A mean-field model of a non-Fermi liquid and charged black holes [PDF]
    3. Ising-nematic criticality in a two-dimensional metal [PDF]
    4. Transport in strange metals: application to graphene [PDF]
  • The two unusual metals in the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (Moore Foundation EPIQS Symposium, Sausalito, August 6, 2015)
  • The "normal" states of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (Summer School on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Materials, Cornell University, August 4, 2015)
  • The non-superconducting states of the cuprates [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, July 7, 2015)
  • Exploring quantum matter in the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Convergence, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, June 23, 2015)
  • Exploring quantum matter in the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, June 20, 2015)
  • Bekenstein-Hawking entropy from strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, June 16, 2015)
  • The remarkable non-superconducting states of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of California, Santa Barbara, May 5, 2015)
  • Transport in strange metals [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (GaryFest, University of California, Santa Barbara, May 1, 2015)
  • Entangled states of quantum matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, April 27, 2015)
  • A quantum dimer model for the pseudogap metal [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (College de France, Paris, March 27, 2015)
  • Higgs criticality in a two-dimensional metal [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, San Antonio, March 2, 2015)
  • The pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Chicago, February 9, 2015)
  • The pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Colorado, Boulder, January 23, 2015)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Colorado, Boulder, January 21, 2015)
  • The pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, January 15, 2015)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Maryland, December 9, 2014)
  • The pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Maryland, December 9, 2014)
  • Unveiling the order of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (City College of New York, October 22, 2014)
  • Adventures with the spin-fermion model, and beyond [PDF; Keynote]
    (SCES@60, Workshop on strongly correlated electron systems at 60 years old, DP@90 David Pines 90th birthday celebration, Urbana, October 18, 2014)
  • Microstructure of charge order in the cuprates, and implications for the pseudogap [PDF; Keynote]
    (Joint CIFAR - Max Planck Society Quantum Materials Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, October 14, 2014)
  • Unveiling the order of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Innsbruck, October 10, 2014)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (ICTP 50th Anniversary, Trieste, Italy, October 9, 2014)
  • Quantum entanglement and superconductivity [Video; PDF; Keynote; Trailer; Interview 1; Interview 2]
    (Public Lecture at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Oct 1, 2014)
  • Microstructure of charge order in the cuprates, and implications for the pseudogap [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Strong Correlations and Unconventional Superconductivity: Towards a Conceptual Framework, KITP Santa Barbara, September 23, 2014)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (Topological Insulators and Mathematical Science, Harvard, September 17, 2014)
  • Unveiling the order of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Cornell University, September 15, 2014)
  • The "pseudogap" phase of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (ITAMP, Harvard, September 6, 2014)
  • Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity
    (Lectures at the Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, July 14-15, 2014)
    1. Antiferromagnetism and quantum criticality in insulators [PDF; Video Part 1; Video Part 2]
    2. Onset of antiferromagnetism in metals, and d-wave superconductivity [PDF; Video Part 1; Video Part 2]
    3. Competing density wave order, and the pseudogap of the cuprate superconductors [PDF; Video Part 1; Video Part 2]
    4. Non-Fermi liquids [PDF; Video Part 1; Video Part 2]
  • d-form factor density waves, and transport near the Ising-nematic quantum critical point [PDF; Keynote]
    (Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems, Mount Holyoke College, June 26, 2014)
  • Unveiling the order of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, June 5, 2014)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists, Perimeter Institute, May 29, 2014)
  • Quantum phase transitions of metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Field Theoretic Computer Simulations for Particle Physics and Condensed Matter, Boston University, May 9, 2014)
  • Transport near the quantum critical point of the Bose-Hubbard model: Quantum Monte Carlo and Holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (ARO MURI meeting, MIT, May 8, 2014)
  • Transport near the quantum critical points of metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Conference on non-Fermi liquids, Stanford University, April 18, 2014)
  • Unveiling the order of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Stanford University, April 15, 2014)
  • Unveiling the order of the high temperature superconductors [Video; PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 11, 2014)
  • Unveiling the order of the high temperature superconductors [Video; PDF; Keynote]
    (Harvard, Cambridge, March 31, 2014)
  • Quantum entanglement and superconductivity [Video; PDF; Keynote]
    (Public Lecture at the Wheeler Opera House, Aspen CO, hosted by the Aspen Center for Physics, March 18, 2014)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (New perspectives on thermalization, Aspen Center for Physics, March 17, 2014)
  • Quantum matter without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (MIT, Cambridge, March 13, 2014)
  • Competing order in the cuprates: d-wave bond order and the pseudogap regime [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, Denver, March 6, 2014)
  • Quantum criticality of metals and high temperature superconductivity [PDF; Keynote]
    (50th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Quantum Criticality in Condensed Matter: Phenomena, Materials and Ideas in Theory and Experiment, Karpacz, Poland, March 3, 2014)
  • Quantum criticality and high temperature superconductivity [PDF; Keynote]
    (Syracuse University, February 20 and 21, 2014)
  • Quantum criticality and high temperature superconductivity [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Waterloo, Canada, February 13, 2014)
  • Strange metals: entanglement, field theory, and holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, February 7, 2014)
  • Quantum criticality and high temperature superconductivity [PDF; Keynote]
    (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, February 6, 2014)
  • Transport without quasiparticles, or "Electricity without electrons" [PDF; Keynote]
    (Physics of Emergence, University of Pittsburgh, February 1-2, 2014)
  • Theory of Quantum Matter: from Quantum Fields to Strings [Videos; Interview]
    (Salam Distinguished Lectures, The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste Italy, January 27-30, 2014)
    1. Superfluid-insulator transition of ultracold bosons in an optical lattice [PDF]
    2. Conformal field theories in 2+1 dimensions and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF]
    3. Fermi liquids and non-Fermi liquids: the Ising-nematic quantum critical point [PDF]
    4. Entanglement, holography, and strange metals [PDF]
  • Quantum mechanics without particles [PDF; Keynote]
    (NISER, Bhubaneswar, India, January 17, 2014; Institute Lecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, January 21, 2014)
  • Quantum phase transitions in condensed matter
    (The 8th Asian Winter School on "Strings, Particles, and Cosmology," Puri, India, January 11-18, 2014)
    1. Superfluid-insulator transition of ultracold bosons in an optical lattice [Video; PDF]
    2. Conformal field theories in 2+1 dimensions and the AdS/CFT correspondence [Video; PDF]
    3. Fermi liquids and non-Fermi liquids: the Ising-nematic quantum critical point [Video; PDF]
    4. The holographic view of non-Fermi liquids: charged black-branes [Video; PDF]
  • Quantum mechanics without quasiparticles [PDF; Keynote]
    (New Directions in Theoretical Physics, Higgs Centre, University of Edinburgh, January 9, 2014)
  • Quantum criticality in the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland, December 19, 2013)
  • Quantum mechanics without quasiparticles: applications to ultracold atoms and the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (ETH Zurich, December 18, 2013)
  • Angular fluctuations of a multi-component order describe the pseudogap regime of the cuprate superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR meeting, Vancouver, October 17, 2013)
  • Quantum criticality in the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 2, 2013)
  • Angular fluctuations of a multi-component order describe the pseudogap regime of the cuprate superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum Dynamics in Low Dimensional Systems, Harvard University, September 21, 2013)
  • Conformal field theories in a periodic potential: field theory vs. holography [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Workshop on Holography: From Gravity to Quantum Matter, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, September 16, 2013)
  • Quantum criticality in the high temperature superconductors
    (STEP-2013: International Summer School on Superconductivity - Theory, Experiments, and Phenomena, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese, August 12-16, 2013)
    1. The pseudogap: angular fluctuations of a multi-component order parameter [PDF]
    2. Metals with antiferromagnetic exchange interactions: d-wave superconductivity and bond order [PDF]
  • Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality [Videos]
    (Arnold Sommerfeld School on Gauge-Gravity Duality and Condensed Matter Physics, Munich, August 5-9, 2013)
    1. Conformal field theories at zero temperature [PDF]
    2. Conformal field theories at non-zero temperature [PDF]
    3. Conformal field theories in a chemical potential [PDF]
  • The quantum criticality of metals in two dimensions: antiferromagnetism, d-wave superconductivity and bond order [PDF; Keynote]
    (Conference on Geometrical Aspects of Quantum States in Condensed Matter, ICTP Trieste, Italy, July 2, 2013)
  • Bond order in two-dimensional metals with antiferromagnetic exchange interactions [PDF; Keynote]
    (Gordon Research Conference on Superconductivity, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, May 14, 2013)
  • Entangled states of quantum matter [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, May 8, 2013)
  • Quantum criticality in condensed matter: field theory vs. gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Northeastern University, Boston, May 1, 2013)
  • Superconductivity and quantum entanglement [PDF; Keynote]
    (NOVA Science Cafe, ASBMB meeting, Westin Hotel, Boston, April 23, 2013)
  • Quantum criticality in condensed matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Inaugural symposium, Wolfgang Pauli Centre, Hamburg, April 17, 2013)
  • Progress on the physics of the underdoped cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil, April 11, 2013)
  • The quantum phases of matter and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Frontiers in Condensed Matter Science, Fortaleza, Brazil, April 10, 2013)
  • Progress on the physics of the underdoped cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (Zlatko Tesanovic Memorial Symposium, Johns Hopkins University, March 23, 2013)
  • Multi-point correlators of conformal field theories: implications for quantum critical transport [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, March 21, 2013)
  • Holography of compressible quantum phases [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, March 21, 2013)
  • Progress on the physics of the underdoped cuprates [PDF; Keynote]
    (An open world of physics: A celebration of Sankar Das Sarma's research career on his 60th birthday, University of Maryland, College Park, March 16, 2013)
  • Metals near the onset of antiferromagnetism: instabilities to d-wave pairing and bond order [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Maryland, College Park, March 14, 2013)
  • The quantum phases of matter and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 13, 2013)
  • Metals near the onset of antiferromagnetism: instabilities to d-wave pairing and bond order [PDF; Keynote]
    (Michigan State University, Lansing, March 12, 2013)
  • The quantum phases of matter and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Florida, Gainesville, February 21, 2013)
  • Quantum entanglement: from quantum matter to string theory [PDF; Keynote]
    (Survey talk at the Simons Symposium, Caneel Bay, US Virgin Islands, February 4-8, 2013)
  • Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Bethe Colloquium, Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Bonn, January 13, 2013)
  • Quantum phase transitions in condensed matter: from the Higgs boson to holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (The Higgs Symposium, Higgs Center for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh, January 9-11, 2013)
  • Winter School on Unconventional Superconductivity at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Jan 8, 2013
    1. Fermi liquids, and their phase transitions [PDF]
    2. A non-Fermi liquid: Quantum criticality of metals near the Pomeranchuk instability [PDF]
    3. Quantum critical metals near the onset of antiferromagnetism: superconductivity and other instabilities [PDF]
  • Conformal field theories in 3 dimensions, and holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (108th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, December 16, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Fermilab, Illinois, November 7, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Entanglement in Discrete and Continuous Quantum Systems, PCTS, Princeton University, October 26, 2012)
  • Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality
    (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies, Cambridge, October-November 2012)
    1. Conformal field theories in condensed matter [PDF]
    2. Transport properties of conformal field theories from holography [PDF]
  • The interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity: new results and open questions [PDF; Keynote]
    (CIFAR meeting, Montreal, October 20, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Rutgers University, October 10, 2012)
  • Sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo of the onset of antiferromagentism in metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Rutgers University, October 10 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Yale University, September 10, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Conference on Quantum Criticality and Novel Phases, Dresden, August 27, 2012)
  • Sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo of the onset of antiferromagentism in metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Keynote talk at M2S 2012, International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Washington D.C., Aug 2, 2012)
  • Stringing together the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (3 lectures introducing the AdS/CFT correspondence at the The Princeton Summer School for Condensed Matter Physics, Princeton, July 25,26, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, July 13, 2012)
  • Entangling antiferromagnetism and superconductivity: Quantum Monte Carlo without the sign problem [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, July 11, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Gordon Conference on Correlated Electron Systems, June 27, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Condensed Matter Physics in the City, University College, London, June 20, 2012)
  • The onset of antiferromagentism in metals: field theory, and quantum Monte Carlo without the sign problem [PDF; Keynote]
    (Quantum Matter from the Nano- to the Macroscale, MPIPKS, Dresden, June 19, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Utrecht University, June 13, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Cologne, June 8, 2012)
  • Entanglement, holography, and strange metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Rencontres Théoriciennes, Paris, June 7, 2012)
  • Strange metals and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Loughborough University, May 17, 2012)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Imperial College, London, May 16, 2012)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote; Powerpoint]
    (Ehrenfest Colloquium, Leiden University, May 9, 2012)
  • Stringing together the quantum phases of matter [All (PDF); All (Keynote); All (Powerpoint)]
    (Lorentz lectures, Instituut Lorentz, Leiden, May 7, 14, 21, June 4, 2012)
    1. Introduction and gapped quantum matter [PDF]
    2. Conformal quantum matter [PDF]
    3. Compressible quantum matter [PDF]
    4. The onset of antiferromagnetism in metals [PDF]
  • Compressible quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Gravity, black holes, and condensed matter, Royal Society International Seminar, Chicheley Hall, England, April 23-24, 2012)
  • Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote; Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4]
    (4 lectures at the Workshop on "Condensed Matter, Black Holes and Holography", Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, England, April 16-20, 2012)
  • Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (cinciNNI (Cincinnati Near Neighbor Interactions) tri-state condensed matter theory forum, University of Cincinnati, March 31, 2012)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Cincinnati, March 30, 2012)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Toronto, March 22, 2012)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Boston University, March 6, 2012)
  • Correlated phases of bosons in tilted lattices [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS March meeting, Boston, February 29, 2012)
  • Strange metals: field theory vs. holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (McGill University, Montreal, February 16, 2012)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Stony Brook University, February 14, 2012)
  • Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality, Twelfth Arnold Sommerfeld Lecture Series, Munich, Jan 31 - Feb 3, 2012
    1. Public lecture: Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    2. Colloquium: What can gauge-gravity duality teach us about condensed matter physics ? [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    3. The onset of antiferromagnetism in metals: from the cuprates to the heavy fermion compounds [PDF; Keynote; Video]
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, January 23, 2012)
  • Compressible quantum liquids: field theory vs. holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (TIFR, Mumbai, January 19, 2012)
  • The onset of antiferromagnetism in metals: from the cuprates to the heavy fermion compounds [PDF; Keynote]
    (TIFR, Mumbai, January 18, 2012)
  • Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (TIFR, Mumbai, January 17, 2012)
  • Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality, Girdharilal Mehta Lecture, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, Jan 12-13, 2012
    1. The superfluid-insulator quantum phase transitions: field theory vs. holography [PDF; Keynote]
    2. Compressible quantum liquids: field theory vs. holography [PDF; Keynote]
  • 3. Quantum phase transitions and Fermi surface reconstruction [PDF; Keynote]
    4. Colloquium: Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
  • The superfluid-insulator quantum phase transition: field theory vs. holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (IISER Kolkata, January 10, 2012)
  • Compressible quantum liquids: field theory versus holography [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, December 13, 2011)
  • Compressible quantum liquids: field theory versus holography [PDF; Keynote]
    (Boston University, December 7, 2011)
  • Many body quantum entanglement: from organic insulators to ultracold atoms [PDF; Keynote]
    (Darpa MURI, Fort Lauderdale, December 6, 2011)
  • Holography of compressible quantum states [PDF; Keynote]
    (New England String Meeting, Brown University, November 18, 2011)
  • Quantum phase transitions in condensed matter physics, with connections to string theory [PDF; Keynote]
    (Wednesday Night Seminar, Harvard University, November 16, 2011)
  • Quantum phase transitions in condensed matter physics, with connections to string theory [PDF; Keynote]
    (Amherst College, October 28, 2011)
  • The quantum phases of matter [PDF; Keynote]
    (Rapporteur presentation at the 25th Solvay Conference on Physics - The Theory of the Quantum World, Brussels, October 19-22, 2011)
  • What can string theory teach us about condensed matter physics? [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of California, Berkeley, October 3, 2011)
  • Holography of compressible quantum phases [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Program on Holographic Duality and Condensed Matter Physics, KITP, Santa Barbara, September 29, 2011)
  • The uses of gauge-gravity duality in condensed matter physics [PDF; Keynote]
    (Strongly Interacting Electrons in Low Dimensions: New Orders, Symmetries, and Excitations, Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences, September 14, 2011)
  • Quantum phase transitions and Fermi surface reconstruction [PDF; Keynote]
    (Plenary talk at Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES), Cambridge, England, August 29-September 3 , 2011)
  • Synergies between quantum field theories and numerical calculations with microscopic Hamiltonians [PDF; Keynote]
    (Workshop on Synergies between Field Theory and Exact Computational Methods in Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter, Trieste, July 29, 2011)
  • Quantum matter and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote; Lecture notes]
    (Lectures at the INT Summer School on Applications of String Theory, University of Washington, July 18-20, 2011)
  • What can gauge-gravity duality teach us about condensed matter physics? [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, July 14, 2011)
  • Condensed matter applications of gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote; Video]
    (Strings 2011, Uppsala, June 30, 2011)
  • The phase diagrams of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Stockholm, June 29, 2011)
  • Gauge-gravity duality and its applications [PDF; Keynote]
    (Black Hole Answers for Condensed Matter Questions, Workshop at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, June 14, 2011)
  • Gauge-gravity duality and its applications [PDF; Keynote]
    (Encontro de Fisica 2011, Iguassu, Brazil, June 7, 2011)
  • The phase diagrams of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 3, 2011)
  • Fermi surface reconstruction in two-dimensional metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Ringberg Symposium on High Temperature Superconductivity, May 15, 2011)
  • Mark Kac Memorial Lectures, Los Alamos National Laboratories, May 3-5, 2011
    1. Quantum criticality [PDF; Keynote]
    2. The phase diagrams of the higher temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    3. Gauge-gravity duality and its applications [PDF; Keynote]
  • The spin density wave quantum phase transition in two-dimensional metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Unconventional Superconductivity workshop, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, April 24, 2011)
  • The spin density wave quantum phase transition in two-dimensional metals [PDF; Keynote]
    (Invited talk, APS Meeting, Dallas, March 24, 2011)
  • Fermi surfaces and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (APS Meeting, Dallas, March 22, 2011)
  • Quantum criticality and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Flato Lectures, Ben Gurion University, Israel, March 10, 2011)
  • Many body quantum entanglement: from organic insulators to ultracold atoms [PDF; Keynote]
    (Symposium on Contemporary Problems in Condensed Matter Theory, Ben Gurion University, Israel, March 9, 2011)
  • Quantum condensed matter physics: organic insulators and ultracold atoms [PDF; Keynote]
    (Inaugural Symposium, Harvard Quantum Optics Center, March 1, 2011)
  • Fermi surfaces and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Kentucky, February 28, 2011)
  • The phase diagrams of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Kentucky, February 28, 2011)
  • Fermi surfaces and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Feb 18, 2011)
  • Bosons in tilted Mott insulators [PDF; Keynote]
    (Yale University, Feb 9, 2011)
  • Fermi surfaces and gauge-gravity duality [PDF; Keynote]
    (Aspen Winter Conference on Strongly Correlated Systems and Gauge/Gravity Duality, Feb 1-5, 2011)
  • Spin liquids on the triangular lattice [PDF; Keynote]
    (International Conference on Frustration in Condensed Matter, Sendai, Japan, January 11-14, 2011)
  • Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Lectures, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, Dec 6-8, 2010
    1. The quantum phases of matter, Public lecture [PDF; Keynote]
    2. "Relativistic" quantum criticality and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; Keynote]
    3. Fermi surfaces and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; Keynote]
  • The phase diagrams of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; Keynote]
    (University of Wisconsin, October 1, 2010; Purdue University, November 11, 2010; University of Connecticut, November 19, 2010; Jawaharlal Nehru University, December 15, 2010)
  • Holographic metals and the Kondo lattice [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, November 4, 2010)
  • The underdoped cuprates as fractionalized Fermi liquids [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Whistler, British Columbia, October 14-17, 2010)
  • The onset of spin density wave order in metals [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Whistler, British Columbia, October 14-17, 2010)
  • The AdS/CFT description of the quantum phases of matter [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Penn State University, September 17, 2010)
  • The phase diagrams of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Penn State University, September 16, 2010)
  • The onset of spin density wave order in metals [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on Emergent Quantum States in Complex Correlated Matter, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, August 23-27, 2010)
  • The phase diagrams of the high temperature superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Colloquium at Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, August 23, 2010)
  • The quantum phase transitions of metals [PDF], The 5th Windsor Summer School, Quantum Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Materials and Nanostructures, Windsor, UK, August 9-21, 2010
  • The landscape of the Hubbard model [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Tutorial talks at the Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism, Johns Hopkins University, August 1, 2010)
  • Quantum criticality, the AdS/CFT correspondence, and the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Plenary talk at the XXIV IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics (STATPHYS24), Cairns, Australia, July 19, 2010)
  • Exotic phases of the Kondo lattice, and holography [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Stanford University, July 15, 2010)
  • Stringing together the quantum phases of matter [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (TASI Public Lecture, University of Colorado, Boulder, June 9, 2010)
  • The landscape of the Hubbard model, TASI lectures, University of Colorado, Boulder, June 8-14, 2010
    Videos of Lectures
    1. Notes 1
    2. Notes 2
    3. Notes 3
  • Quantum "disordering" magnetic order in insulators, metals, and superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint; Video]
    (Conference on Emergence and Entanglement, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, May 29, 2010)
  • The phase diagram of the cuprates and the quantum phase transitions of metals in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, May 6, 2010)
  • The phase diagram of the cuprates and the quantum phase transitions of metals in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (LPTHE, University of Paris, May 4, 2010)
  • Quantum criticality, the cuprate superconductors, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (American Physical Society, Ridge NY, April 29, 2010)
  • Quantum criticality, the AdS/CFT correspondence, and the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Brookhaven National Laboratory, April 28, 2010)
  • Quantum criticality, the cuprate superconductors, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Vermont, April 7, 2010; Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie, University of Paris, May 3, 2010; Niels Bohr Lecture, Copenhagen May 5, 2010)
  • The quantum phase transitions of metals in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (From Quantum Hall Effect to Quantum Computation, Celebration of Distinguished Career of Prof. Steve Girvin on his 60th Birthday, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, April 1-2, 2010)
  • The quantum phase transitions of metals in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (AdS/CFT: New Developments and Applications, Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences, March 12, 2010)
  • The phase diagram of the cuprates and the quantum phase transitions of metals in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Colorado, Boulder, February 25, 2010)
  • Quantum criticality, the cuprate superconductors, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Massachusetts, Boston, February 17, 2010; Carnegie Mellon University, February 22, 2010; University of Colorado, Boulder, February 24, 2010)
  • Quantum criticality, the cuprate superconductors, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Victoria, Canada, February 10, 2010; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, February 11, 2010; Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, February 12, 2010)
  • Quantum criticality and the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, January 19, 2010; University of Geneva, January 21, 2010; Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland, January 22, 2010)
  • Quantum phase transitions of metals in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Exotic Insulating States of Matter, Johns Hopkins University, January 14-16, 2010)
  • String theory and condensed matter [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Science without boundaries, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, India, December 27-31, 2009)
  • Strong coupling problems in condensed matter, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (K. S. Krishnan Discussion Meeting on Frontiers in Quantum Science 2009, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India, December 21-22, 2009)
  • ICTS condensed matter programme 2009, Mahabaleshwar, India, December 17-19, 2009
    1. Phenomenology of the cuprate superconductors (and other compounds)
    2. QPT of antiferromagnetic insulators (and bosons at rational filling)
    3. QPT of d-wave superconductors: Fermi points of massless Dirac fermions
    4. QPT of Fermi surfaces
  • Quantum phase transitions: from antiferromagnets and superconductors to black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Caltech colloquium, December 3, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality of Fermi surfaces in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Caltech, December 2, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (MIT Chez Pierre seminar, November 30, 2009)
  • Unexpected connections in physics: from superconductors to black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Public lecture, De Sitter Lecture Series in Theoretical Physics 2009, Groningen, November 18, 2009)
  • De Sitter Lecture Series in Theoretical Physics 2009, University of Groningen, November 16-20, 2009
    1. Introduction to quantum phase transitions: quantum spin systems and relativistic field theories
    2. Quantum phase transitions in d-wave superconductors and metals
    3. The AdS/CFT correspondence: quantum criticality at strong coupling
    4. The cuprate high temperature superconductors: competing orders and quantum criticality
  • Strong coupling problems in condensed matter, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada, November 11, 2009)
  • Strong coupling problems in condensed matter, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Computations in Science seminar, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, November 4, 2009)
  • Quantum phase transitions: from antiferromagnets and superconductors to black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (James Franck Institute 1st Tuesday Colloquium, University of Chicago, November 3, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, November 2, 2009)
  • From the Hubbard model to high temperature superconductivity [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Quantum Simulation MURI review, Harvard, October 30, 2009)
  • Quantum phase transitions: from antiferromagnets and superconductors to black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Solvay Colloquium, Brussels, October 27, 2009)
  • Strong coupling problems in condensed matter, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (International Solvay Institutes seminar, Brussels, October 26, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Quantum Materials meeting, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Lac Carling, Quebec, October 23, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Sherbrooke, October 21, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality and the phase diagram of the cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on Current Perspectives in Strongly-Correlated Quantum Matter, College de France, Paris, October 9, 2009)
  • Lectures at the Fifth Aegean Summer School: From Gravity to Thermal Gauge Theories: the AdS/CFT Correspondences, Sep 21-26, 2009
    A. "Relativistic" field theories of quantum phase transitions
    B. Finite density quantum matter
  • Quantum criticality: from antiferromagnets and superconductors to black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Cornell University, Sep 14, 2009)
  • Theory of the competition between spin density waves and d-wave superconductivity in the underdoped cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (9th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Tokyo, Sep 7-12, 2009; Cornell University, Sep 15, 2009)
  • Where is the quantum critical point in the cuprate superconductors ? [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Quantum Criticality and Novel Phases, Dresden, Aug 3-5, 2009)
  • Where is the quantum critical point in the cuprate superconductors ? [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Recent Progress in Many Body Theories, Ohio State University, Columbus, July 27, 2009)
  • Tutorial on quantum criticality [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Recent Progress in Many Body Theories, Ohio State University, Columbus, July 26, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality in the cuprate superconductors, and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Quantum Theories and Symmetries 6, Lexington, Kentucky, July 20, 2009)
  • Where it the quantum critical point in the cuprate superconductors ? [PDF; PowerPoint;WebCam]
    (KITP Program: The Physics of Higher Temperature Superconductivity, July 16, 2009)
  • Quantum critical transport and AdS/CFT [PDF; PowerPoint;WebCam]
    (KITP Miniprogram: Quantum Criticality and the AdS/CFT Correspondence, July 6, 2009)
  • Istanbul Statistical Physics Days (IFG-16), June 25-27, 2009
    1. Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    2. Quantum criticality and the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
  • Where is the quantum critical point in the cuprate superconductors ? [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Strongly Correlated Quantum Phases, Technion, Haifa, June 14-18, 2009)
  • Lectures at the Les Houches School on Modern theories of correlated electron systems, May 11-14, 2009
    1. Coupled dimer antiferromagnets and bond operators
    2. Schwinger boson mean field theory, and gauge theories of spin liquids and valence bond solids
    3. Spinons, visons, and the Kitaev model
    4. Old and new experiments on the cuprate superconductors, and a theory of the underdoped cuprates.
  • A theory of the underdoped cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (2nd Boston area quantum matter meeting, Boston University, May 9, 2009)
  • Competing orders in the underdoped cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Plenary talk at Gotham-Metro Condensed Matter Meeting, New York, April 25, 2009; Superconductivity: from collective modes to quantum phase transitions, conference in honor of Allen Goldman, Minneapolis, May 2, 2009)
  • AdS/CFT and condensed matter [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Pennsylvania, April 15, 2009)
  • Theory of the pair-breaking superconductor-metal transition in nanowires [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (APS March meeting, March 20, 2009)
  • Paired electron pockets in the hole-doped cuprates [WebCam, PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on New Directions in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems, KITP Santa Barbara, February 23-27, 2009)
  • AdS/CFT and condensed matter [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (AdS Collective, IFT, University of Madrid, Feb 16-18, 2009)
  • A theory of the underdoped cuprates [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Jan 23, 2009)
  • Quantum field theories for antiferromagnets, and for black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Berkeley Mini Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Jan 10, 2009)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Maryland, Dec 10, 2008; University of California, Santa Cruz, Jan 8, 2009; Indiana University, Jan 21, 2009; Argonne National Laboratory, April 10, 2009)
  • Global phase diagrams of two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Dec 2, 2008)
  • Exotic phases and quantum phase transitions in model systems [PDF; PowerPoint; Writeup for proceedings]
    (Rapporteur talk at the 24th Solvay Conference on Physics, "Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter", Brussels, Oct 11-13, 2008)
  • Doubled Chern-Simons theory of quantum spin liquids and their quantum phase transitions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Workshop on AdS/CFT, Condensed Matter and QCD, McGill University, Montreal, Oct 3-5, 2008; String Lunch Seminar, Harvard University, Oct 31, 2008)
  • Detecting the collective excitations of quantum spin liquids [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism, Braunschweig, Germany, September 7-12, 2008; Conference on Quantum Criticality: Statics and Dynamics, Toronto, September 27, 2008)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on Emergent Gravity, MIT, August 25-29, 2008)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Plenary talk at the 25th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Amsterdam, August 13, 2008; Brown University, October 6, 2008)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Colloquium at Aspen Center for Physics, July 3, 2008)
  • Loss of Neel order in insulators and superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint; Video]
    (Workshop on Topological Aspects of Solid State Physics, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto, June 23, 2008)
  • Hydrodynamic transport near quantum phase transitions and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint; Video]
    (Workshop on Topological Aspects of Solid State Physics, ISSP, Tokyo, June 21, 2008)
  • Onset of nematic order in d-wave superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on Unconventional Phases and Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, Dreden, June 4, 2008)
  • Nodal quasiparticles and competing orders in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, April 24, 2008; Quantum Magnetism conference, Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota, May 2, 2008)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint; Video]
    (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, April 23, 2008; University of Washington, Seattle, May 19, 2008)
  • Destruction of Neel order in the cuprates by electron and hole doping [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (McMaster University, Hamilton, April 3, 2008; Microsoft Station Q, May 6, 2008)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (McMaster University, Hamilton, April 2, 2008)
  • Quantum critical transport in graphene [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (APS Meeting, New Orleans, March 10, 2008)
  • Hydrodynamic transport near quantum critical points and the AdS/CFT correspondence [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Winter conference on New Horizons in Condensed Matter Physics, Aspen, February 8, 2008)
  • (I) The Fermi gas near unitarity, (II) The Superfluid-Insulator quantum phase transition, (III) Phases of quantum antiferromagnets [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Lectures at the Winter School in Theoretical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Information with Cold Atoms, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, December 26, 2007 - January 4, 2008)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Herbrew University, Jerusalem, January 1, 2008)
  • (I) Quantum magnetism and criticality, (II) Theory of the Nernst effect near the superfliud-insulator transition [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Lectures at Conference on Correlated Electrons & Frustrated Magnetism, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Goa, India, November 25 - December 5, 2007)
  • Metals, superconductors, insulators, ..... [PDF]
    (Wednesday Night Seminar, Harvard University, November 14, 2007)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, November 12, 2007)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Dartmouth College, October 26, 2007)
  • Quantum antiferromagnetism and superconductivity [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (DARPA MURI conference, Newport, October 10 2007)
  • Insulators and superconductors with topological order [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on Topological Quantum Computing, Hamilton Institute, Dublin, September 11, 2007)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Lorentz Center, Leiden, August 27, 2007)
  • Quantum criticality and black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Fermilab, August 22, 2007)
  • Theory of the Nernst effect near the superfluid-insulator transition [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (ICAM Workshop: Superfluid Universe, Aspen, August 18, 2007)
  • Deconfined criticality in the underdoped cuprates [PDF]
    (Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing, July 2, 2007)
  • Electrical and thermal transport near quantum phase transitions in condensed matter, and in dyonic black holes [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (A.I. Larkin Memorial conference, Chernogolovka, Russia, June 27, 2007; Institute of Physics, Beijing, July 4, 2007)
  • Strongly interacting cold atoms [PDF; PowerPoint; WebCam]
    (Review talk at the KITP conference on ultracold atoms, April 23, 2007)
  • Quantum phase transitions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Director's colloquium, Los Alamos National Laboratory, January 23, 2007; Technion, Israel, March 15, 2007; University of Michigan, March 28, 2007; Old Dominion University, April 3, 2007; Washington University, St. Louis, April 18, 2007; Harvard University, April 30, 2007)
  • Quantum critical transport, duality, and M-theory [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Harvard University, February 1, 2007; Rutgers University, April 10, 2007)
  • Deconfined quantum criticality [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Greater Boston Area Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Brandeis University, October 21, 2006; Technion, Israel, March 18, 2007)
  • Quantum theory of vortices and quasiparticles in d-wave superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (8th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors, Dresden, Germany, July 9-14, 2006; International Conference on Physics near the Mott transition, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, July 24-28, 2006; Princeton University, October 9, 2006; Technion, Israel, March 13, 2007; Weizmann Institute, Israel, March 14, 2007)
  • From few-body to many-body physics: renormalization group theory of quantum gases near unitarity [WebCam]
    (Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, February 16, 2007)
  • Fermi surface change across quantum phase transitions [PDF; PowerPoint; WebCam ]
    (Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, February 15, 2007)
  • The quantum phase transition between a superfluid and an insulator: applications to trapped ultracold atoms and the cuprate superconductors. [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of California, Santa Cruz, October 19, 2006)
  • Quantum criticality: where are we, and where are we going ? [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (International Workshop on Strongly Correlated Transition Metal Compounds II, Cologne, Germany, September 11-14, 2006)
  • Quantum theory of vortices in d-wave superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Itzykson meeting on Strongly Correlated Electrons, Saclay, France, June 21-23, 2006)
  • Detecting boson-vortex duality in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Brandeis University, February 28, 2006; Ohio State University, March 28, 2006; University of Chicago, April 27, 2006; Michigan State University, May 11, 2006; UCLA, May 18, 2006; Stanford University, June 6, 2006)
  • Deconfined quantum criticality [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Ohio State University, March 27, 2006)
  • Electrical transport near a pair-breaking superconductor-metal quantum phase transition [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Invited talk at the APS March meeting, Baltimore, March 13, 2006)
  • Dual vortex theory of doped antiferromagnets [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Contributed talk at the APS March meeting, Baltimore, March 13, 2006)
  • Equilibrium dynamics of entangled states near quantum critical points [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Quantum Computing and Many-Body Systems, Key West, Florida, January 21-February 3 2006)
  • Quantum phase transitions of correlated electrons and atoms [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (MIT Theoretical Physics Retreat, Plymouth, New Hampshire, January 25-27, 2006)
  • Detecting quantum duality in experiments: how superfluids become solids in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Boston College, December 6, 2005)
  • Dual vortex theory of doped antiferromagnets [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research meeting on Quantum Materials, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, November 17-19, 2005)
  • Universal conductance of nanowires at the superconductor-metal quantum transition [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Duke University, October 20, 2005)
  • Breakdown of the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm at quantum phase transitions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Harvard University, September 22, 2005)
  • Detecting quantum duality in experiments: how superfluids become solids in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Johns Hopkins University, September 15, 2005; Duke University, October 19, 2005)
  • Quantum phase transitions of correlated electrons and atoms [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (XVIIth Indian-Summer School on Effective Field Theories, Rez/Prague, September 9-13, 2005)
  • Quantum phase transitions of correlated electrons and atoms [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (ICAM Advanced Workshop on "Strongly Correlated Electrons: Diverse Examples and Unifying Themes", August 8-20, 2005, Institut Scientifique de Cargese, Corsica (France))
  • Quantum phase transitions of correlated electrons and atoms [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Mottness and Quantum Criticality Workshop, Tobago, West Indies, June 8-19, 2005)
  • The quantum mechanics of two-dimensional superfluids [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Caltech, May 6, 2005)
  • The quantum mechanics of two-dimensional superfluids [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Utah, April 21, 2005)
  • Superfluids and their vortices [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Society of Physics Students, Yale University, February 4, 2005)
  • Quantum phase transitions and the Luttinger theorem [PDF; PowerPoint; WebCam]
    (Conference on Quantum Phase Transitions, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, January 18-21, 2005)
  • Classifying two-dimensional superfluids: why there is more to cuprate superconductivity than the condensation of charge -2e Cooper pairs [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of British Columbia, January 6, 2005)
  • Quantum phase transitions out of the heavy Fermi liquid [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of British Columbia, January 6, 2005)
  • Classifying two-dimensional superfluids: why there is more to cuprate superconductivity than the condensation of charge -2e Cooper pairs [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (MIT, December 13, 2004)
  • Classifying two-dimensional superfluids: why there is more to cuprate superconductivity than the condensation of charge -2e Cooper pairs [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Valence Bonds in Condensed Matter, Princeton University, December 3, 2004)
  • The quantum mechanics of vortices in a superfluid near a Mott transition [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Columbia University, November 3, 2004; Harvard University, November 9, 2004)
  • Quantum vortices and competing orders [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Maryland, October 26, 2004)
  • Insights into quantum matter from new experiments [PDF; PowerPoint; WebCam]
    (Conference on The Future of Physics, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, October 7-9, 2004)
  • Putting competing orders in their place near the Mott transition [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (International Workshop on Frustrated Magnetism, Montauk, September 13-17, 2004; University of Massachusetts, Amherst, September 30, 2004)
  • Competing orders: beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, SCES 04, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 26-30, 2004)
  • Competing orders: beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors, Sitges, Spain, July 11-16, 2004; Statistical Physics of Quantum Systems - novel orders and dynamics, Sendai, Japan, July 17-20, 2004)
  • Quantum Phase Transitions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (3 lectures at The Boulder School in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics: Quantum Coherence in Atomic and Condensed Matter Systems, July 5-9, 2004)
  • Competing orders: beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Gordon Research Conference, Mt. Holyoke College, June 20-25, 2004)
  • Quantum criticality: from the trivial to the exotic [WebCam]
    (KITP Blackboard lunch, Santa Barbara, May 24, 2004)
  • Breakdown of the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm at quantum phase transitions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (91st Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, May 16-18, 2004)
  • Quantum phase transition in an atomic Bose gas with a Feshbach resonance [PDF; Powerpoint; WebCam]
    (Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, May 11, 2004)
  • Quantum phase transitions: from Mott insulators to the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of California, Santa Barbara, May 4, 2004)
  • Breakdown of the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm at quantum phase transitions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Yale University, April 29, 2004)
  • Quantum criticality beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (APS meeting, Montreal, March 22-26, 2004)
  • Universal conductance of nanowires at the superconductor-metal quantum transition [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (APS meeting, Montreal, March 22-26, 2004)
  • Quantum phase transitions: from Mott insulators to the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Cornell University, March 8, 2004, Harvard University, March 12, 2004)
  • Quantum phase transitions: from Mott insulators to the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Rutgers University, February 24, 2004)
  • Mean field theories of quantum spin glasses [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (ICAM "Electronic Mayonnaise" Conference, La Jolla, December 11-13, 2003)
  • Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Tennessee, November 10, 2003)
  • Magnetic phases and critical points of insulators and superconductors (three lectures) [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Workshop on High-Tc Superconductivity & Quantum Critical Phenomena, The Interdisciplinary Center of Theoretical Studies, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, October 20-26, 2003)
  • The quantum mechanics of superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Society of Physics Students, Yale University, October 10, 2003)
  • Magnetic phases and critical points of insulators and superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties, Les Diablerets, September 29 - October 1, 2003)
  • Ground state of quantum antiferromagnets in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Workshop on Topological Phases in Condensed Matter Physics, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, September 7-11, 2003)
  • Berry phases and magnetic quantum critical points of Mott insulators in two dimensions [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (International Workshop on Field Theory Methods in Correlated Nanoscale Systems, Brookhaven, August 26-30, 2003)
  • Magnetic phases and critical points of insulators and superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Theory, Modeling, and Neutron Scattering, NIST, Gaithersburg, August 12-14 , 2003)
  • Magnetic phases and critical points of insulators and superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (4 lectures at the Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics: Frontiers of Magnetism, Colorado, July 8-15, 2003)
  • Understanding correlated electron systems by a classification of Mott insulators [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Nordita, Copenhagen, June 14, 2003)
  • Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Plenary talk at the Annual Meeting of the Danish Physical Society, Nyborg, June 13, 2003)
  • Quantum criticality in insulators, metals and superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (FERLIN conference, Dresden, June 12, 2003)
  • Understanding correlated electron systems by a classification of Mott insulators [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (M2S-HTSC, Rio de Janeiro, May 29, 2003)
  • Understanding correlated electron systems by a classification of Mott insulators [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Trends in Theory 2003, symposium of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics, Dalfsen, May 22-23, 2003)
  • Quantum phases and critical points of correlated metals [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Workshop on Non Fermi liquid behavior and quantum phase transitions, Lorentz Center, Leiden, May 21, 2003)
  • Understanding correlated electron systems by a classification of Mott insulators [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Quantum Materials Program Meeting of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Vancouver, May 16-19, 2003)
  • Dynamics of Mott insulators in strong potential gradients [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Conference on Correlation Effects in Bose Condensates and Optical Lattices, University of Minnesota, May 2-4, 2003)
  • Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Illinois, April 28, 2003; McMaster University, April 30, 2003; University of Waterloo, May 1, 2003)
  • Quantum phase transitions of ultracold atoms [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Mid-Term Review Meeting of Cold Quantum Gases, Camogli, Italy, March 31, 2003)
  • Fractionalized Fermi liquids [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Workshop on Quantum Criticality, Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter, New York, March 21, 2003)
  • Magnetic quantum criticality [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Workshop on Quantum Criticality, Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter, New York, March 20, 2003)
  • Quantum phases and critical points of correlated metals [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Rice University, March 17, 2003)
  • Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, March 12, 2003; National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, March 14, 2003)
  • Talk by ADAM DURST on Radiation-Induced Magnetoresistance Oscillations in a 2D Electron Gas [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Yale Condensed Matter Seminar, February 20, 2003)
  • Phases and phase transitions of quantum materials [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (AAAS Annual meeting, Boulder, February 15, 2003)
  • Understanding correlated electron systems by a classification of Mott insulators [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Aspen workshop on Complex Quantum Order, February 9-15, 2003)
  • Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (University of Arizona, January 17, 2003; Stony Brook University, January 28, 2003)
  • Quantum phases and critical points of correlated metals [PDF; PowerPoint; WebCam]
    (Conference on Realistic Theories of Correlated Electron Materials, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, November 18-22, 2002)
  • Understanding correlated electron systems by a classification of Mott insulators [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Stanford University, October 24, 2002)
  • Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (The 9th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, St. Pete's Beach, Florida, October 20-23, 2002; F. A. Matsen Endowed Regents Lecture on the Structure of Matter at the University of Texas at Austin, October 9, 2002; University of Toronto, October 4, 2002)
  • Competing order in the cuprate superconductors
    (APCTP-ICTP Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, September 25-28, 2002 POSTECH, Pohang, Korea)
  • Small and large Fermi surfaces in metals with local moments
    (University of Texas, Austin, Octoher 8, 2002; Rutgers, September 10, 2002)
  • Competing order in the cuprate superconductors
    (23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, August 20 - 27, 2002 Hiroshima, Japan)
  • Competing orders and quantum criticality [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Lectures at the Workshop on Emergent Materials and Highly Correlated Electrons, Trieste, Italy, 5-16 August 2002)
  • Competing order in the cuprate superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Quantum Phases at the Nanoscale, Erice, Sicily July 15-20, 2002, and International Conference on Theoretical Physics Paris, UNESCO, 22-27 July 2002)
  • Perspective and overview on cuprates and magnetic fields
    (Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems, Waterville, Maine, 29 June-3 July 2002).
  • Tuning antiferromagnetic quantum criticality in the cuprates by a magnetic field
    (American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Knoxville, 23-27 June 2002).
  • Tuning spin and charge order in the cuprates by a magnetic field
    (International Conference on Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics, Rome, 10-15 June 2002).
  • Magnetism across the metal-insulator transition and Mott insulators in strong electric fields [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Spins and Interactions in Mesoscopic Systems, Minneapolis, May 10-12, 2002)
  • Vortices and impurities in the cuprate superconductors
    (University of Illinois, Chicago, April 2002; Northwestern University, 25 April 2002; University of Wisconsin, 26 April 2002; University of Chicago, 7 May 2002)
  • Competing orders in a magnetic field: spin and charge density waves in the cuprates,
    (Invited talk the APS Meeting, Indianapolis, 20 March 2002)
  • Quantum Coherence and Dissipation , Summary talk at the Aspen winter conference
    (Aspen, 11-15 February 2002)
  • Vortices in the cuprate superconductors
    (Simon Fraser University, 1 March 2002; Johns Hopkins University, 31 January 2002)
  • Tuning order in the cuprate superconductors
    (Weizmann Institute, Israel, 6 January 2002)
  • Competing orders and quantum criticality in the cuprate superconductors
    (Winter School on Theoretical Physics, Jerusalem, 30 December 2001-8 January 2002)
  • Tuning order in the cuprate superconductors by a magnetic field
    (Meeting of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Victoria, BC, November 29-December 2, 2001)
  • Quantum phase transitions in atomic gases and condensed matter [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Lecture at Beyond BEC: Ultracold Atoms beyond Mean-field Physics, ITAMP Harvard, November 2-3, 2001)
  • Competing orders and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate high temperature superconductors [PDF; PowerPoint]
    (Harvard University, October 2001; CCNY, October 2001; Sante Fe Meeting on Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields, October 2001; Workshop at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, October 29- Nov 9, 2001)
  • Competing orders and quantum criticality in the high temperature superconductors
    (Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics, Colegio Nacional, September 2001)
  • Quantum phase transitions of correlated electrons in two dimensions
    (Lectures at the International Summer School on Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics X, August 20 - September 2, 2001, Altenberg, Germany)
  • Quantum phase transitions of antiferromagnets and d-wave superconductors
    (Plenary talk at the 11th International Conferences on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Manchester, July 2001)
  • Quantum transitions of superconductors in a magnetic field
    (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, July 2001; International Conference on Magnetic Correlations, Metal-Insulator Transitions and Superconductivity in Novel Materials, Dresden, July 2001)
  • Quantum phase transitions in antiferromagents and superconductors
    (Minerva-ISF Workshop on Advances in High Temperature Superconductivity, Ramat-Gan, Israel, May 2001)
  • Quantum phase transitions in antiferromagents and superconductors
    (Conference on Spectroscopy of Novel Superconductors, Chicago, May 2001)
  • Competing orders in the high temperature superconductors: implications of recent experiments
    (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, May 2001)
  • Spin ordering quantum transitions in two-dimensional superconductors
    (Princeton University, March 2001; M.I.T., April 2001; Boston College, April 2001; Boston University, April 2001)
  • Quantum impurities in Mott insulators and d-wave superconductors
    (Harvard University, March 2001)
  • Three lectures on quantum phase transitions in Mott insulators and d-wave superconductors
    (National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan, January 2001)
  • Spin correlations in Mott insulators and d-wave superconductors: implications of recent experiments
    (S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences, Calcutta, January 2001; Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, January 2001; Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, January 2001; University of North Carolina, February 2001; Los Alamos National Laboratory, February 2001)
  • Quantum phase transitions in Mott insulators and d-wave superconductors
    (Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Superconductivity Meeting, Vancouver, December 2000)
  • Spin correlations in Mott insulators and d-wave superconductors: implications of experiments on non-magnetic impurities
    (Seminar at the ITP Program on High Temperature Superconductivity, Santa Barbara, December 2000)
  • Quantum antiferromagnetism and high temperature superconductivity
    (University of Virgina, September 2000; Brandeis University, September 2000; Workshop on Opportunities in Materials Theory, NSF, October 2000; 13th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Tokyo, October 2000; Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, October 2000; Yale University, November 2000; Penn State University, November 2000)
  • Quantum phase transitions in d-wave superconductors
    (ITP conference on High-Tc superconductivity, Santa Barbara, August 2000)
  • A new boundary conformal field theory in 2+1 dimensions
    (ICMP 2000, London, July 2000)
  • Quantum phase transitions in d-wave superconductors
    (Trieste, July 2000)
  • Quantum impurity dynamics in two-dimensional antiferromagnets and superconductors
    (Gordon Research Conference, June 2000).
  • Damping of collective modes and quasiparticles in d-wave superconductors
    (Fribourg and Leiden, June 2000).
  • (A) Quasiparticle damping and quantum phase transitions in d-wave superconductors
    (B) Quantum impurities in 2+1 dimensional conformal field theories: application to Zn impurities in YBCO
    (Newton Institute, April 2000; Indiana, May 2000).
  • Universal damping of collective modes and quasiparticles in superconductors
    (APS March Meeting, 2000)
  • Collective spin dynamics of low-dimensional paramagnets and d-wave superconductors
    (Bad Honnef and Stuttgart, December 1999)
  • Quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional antiferromagnets and superfluids
    (Berkeley, October 1999)
  • Towards a Global Phase Diagram of Doped Antiferromagnets
    (Santa Barbara, Aug 16, 1999)
  • Quantum Hall Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets
    (Santa Barbara, Aug 13, 1998)